Kidd messed with the wrong guy

27 370

made an admiral run away with his WiFi haki , One shotted two supernovas with a single attack and Is now hunting down Blackbeard

Fr Shanks got the best feats in the series 😭🙏

150 2313

After seeing how Shanks and his crew treated Kid, they'll probably bury Bartolomeo in a desert

176 2681

Before Vegapunk (Stella) die, I want him to help :
- Franky to upgrade Sunny/General Franky
- Usopp to upgrade Pop Greens/Weird Inventions
- Nami to upgrade Clima Tact (Kairoseki infused)
- Vivi to upgrade Peacock Slasher (Kairoseki infused)

2 13

This explains why they carry themselves the way they do during fights. It’s in their nature. Mihawk barely shows any kind of emotion towards anyone while Shanks is shown to build bridges with people with ease. I can’t wait to see their flashback.

27 246

I have never doubted the M3 dynamic

M3 stocks → 💹

3B Trio stocks →📉

5 69

A couple word heavy designs for a passion project Im workin on 🧑🏿‍🎤


1 4


A análise profunda do capítulo 1078 de One Piece chegou na OPEX. Descubra todos os detalhes por trás do conflito 'Chapéus de Palha VS Seraphins', o que será o Incidente de Egg Head e a ganância de York!

Link nos comentários.

11 93

O Haki das Rainhas do saiu e ele está uma delicinha de ler! Me contem o que vcs acharam das nossas impressões!

Link nos comentários 👇

7 43

I did this with mouse🥲... cuz I forgot to carry my digital tablet&pen home🙃...Anyway, a new try!

7 15