‘Street Fighter Alpha’
Arcade / Saturn / PSOne

5 46

‘Street Fighter Alpha’
Arcade / Saturn / PSOne

28 154

Adon tutorial artwork
‘Street Fighter Alpha’
Arcade / Saturn / PSOne

14 69

‘Street Fighter Alpha’
Arcade / Saturn / PSOne

7 43

I'm Hayabusa Sanomoe, a samurai bunny from Brazil! I usually stream NRPG's, meyroidvanias and fighting games, alongside old games from PSOne/GBA/NES and so on! My main platform is Twitch!!

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Nous souhaitons aussi un joyeux anniversaire à la comédienne américaine Lani Minella ! Née le 28 juillet 1950 elle fête des 71 ans.

Dans Persona, elle a interprété les quelques répliques anglophones de Maya Amano et Lisa Silverman dans Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment, sur PSone !

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Sony: "Alright, we realized it was wrong to try and shut down the PS3 store, with the PSone classics line it's home to so many older games you can't get anywhere else so it'd be cruel for us to take away access to games people can't get elsewhere"

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Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons Persona 2 : Innocent Sin qui fête ses 22 ans !

C'est effectivement le 24 juin 1999 que la première partie du diptyque qu'est Persona 2 a vu le jour au Japon, sur PSone. Le jeu ne verra le jour en occident que grâce à son remake PSP, en 2011.

19 77

I submit funny dragon Shadowtower Psone being large 😮

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So what are your favorite titles from the PSone? I always thought next to the SNES the PS had one of the best original RPG libraries!

21 270

pspspspsone piece nationpsspsps

3 7

Shadowtower Psone the funny dragon who is the Kamen Rider fan in Eorzea! (And Shark)

5 47

For I work hard to extract the art at the best quality, and bringing all sorts of weird, rare artwork to the limelight.

This month we’ve got:

- Zelda Link To The Past (SNES)
- Nintendo Puzzle Collection (Gamecube)
- Crash Bash (PSone)

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Shadowtower Psone does a cool henshin pose for you even though her pants don't fit anymore


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Artwork from 'Final Fantasy Tactics' on the PSone.

82 230

For Game Art Archive I work hard to extract the art at the best quality, and making it available.

This month:

Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
Starfox Assault (GC)
DJ Wars (Sat)
Kuru Kuru Kururin (GBA)
Alundra (PSOne)
Pirate Ship Higemaru (NES)

3 31

Lately I’ve been playing through Final Fantasy IX for the first time since I originally got it on launch day for PSone.

It really is such a charming, artistic and brilliant entry in the series.

What’s your favourite?

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