Pick your pastiche/analogue Superhero Team from DC and Marvel : Les Héros de Paris, The Maximums, The Squadron Supreme.

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seems to be a Big Bang Comics fan and included him there with outhers pastiche versions. Art by Dough Mahnke in FINAL CRISIS: SUPERMAN BEYOND.


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It's what I did with Changeling.

It's basically a pastiche of everything I loved when I was young. https://t.co/2wg1GHBM2K

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Sherlockian Author Profile - Master Pasticheur - Denis O. Smith https://t.co/e8vIzKM3H8 - all now out on audio too...

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Bordeaux surprend encore : le 5 juin, propose une grisaille de G. Lallemant (43 x 48,5 cm) mise en rapport avec celle acquise en 2011 par , un intéressant portrait du Surintendant Claude de Bullion (55 x 46,5 cm) et un joli hommage pastiche XIXe à Oudry

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Sherlockian Author Profile - Master Pasticheur - Denis O. Smith https://t.co/e8vIzKM3H8 - all now out on audio too...

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Sherlockian Author Profile - Master Pasticheur - Denis O. Smith https://t.co/e8vIzKM3H8 - all now out on audio too...

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And Little Red Scale, the temple where the textile arts are taught (alongside dancing, boxing, and lovemaking), is basically a wizard-school pastiche: equal parts Earthsea's Roke and Buddhist sanghas of Thailand.


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this Star Trek pastiche character’s name is “Captain K’rk” I am furious

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DC should publish a series using Lobo as a pastiche to cancel culture trolls, social media manipulation

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Terminei e adorei a primeira edição de Ultramenga, James Harren matador na arte e um roteiro que começa como um pastiche gore da franquia Ultraman, termina entregando algo bem interessante. Ansioso pra ler a 2 https://t.co/eh4zoh8tbn

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Un fragmento de un pastiche de Rodier mucho más reciente, El Lago de la Bestia, donde podéis comprobar su evolución

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Martin Turner: Couldn’t bring myself to pastiche the actual photo...too horrible... - https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6 - political cartoon gallery in London

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This issue marks the entry point of series regular Ryan Ottley who would go on to illustrate almost every issue of Invincible moving forward, he christens this titanic moment with the best villain pastiche of the series: The Elephant.

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Today I played Lasers & Feelings (Star Trek pastiche TTRPG) and I made a deliberately awful Space Furry Babe and I guess I'm stuck with him now.

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“A dizzyingly perverse, pastel-hued celebration of cinematic pastiche and formalist trickery.” - on BODY DOUBLE https://t.co/nc8rUjv4WV

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it's a pastiche and Marvel has done this loads of times.

They created Squadron Supreme just so they could have Crossovers with DC without paying them.

also other pastiche of Superman in the form of The Sentry or Blue Marvel

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Commission for ! This is a scene from her book 'Unquiet Spirits', and it was very fun to do! Thank you yet again! 🙏

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En ce dimanche pluvieux, voici la petite illu, légèrement et subtilement pastiche, qui devrait servir au prochain album d'Edam Edam. 🍌

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Last of the new entries in the magazine for 2020. It's a little inconsistent, but at its best it's a fun, breezy pastiche of action films, highlighted with some great looney tunes physics and slapstick.

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