So,this is Zarp.The picture was drawn by my friend.
I think hevis very very handsome!!
I want to know,does the Draw a Stickman 4 will let him appear?

0 2

Awebo la hija d Uriel

Ya dije q t puede golpear?

7 22

Remade an old ninjago weapon design! Not a lot has changed from the old design besides some effects and visuals.

Wouldn't it be cool if Zane had a cool ice spear?

Right is new design, Left is old design.

RT's appreciated!

2 10


You know thunder spear??? And that Ymir got struck BY A SPEAR?

39 504

Remember in issue 160 (and 161) where Tracy Yardley ignored Sally having long hair at the time in order to pay homage to her hairstyle from back when she was pink? Except for one panel where the long hair seemed to temp. reappear? (bottom right)

13 88

🤍 0.1 secret's out?

📎 in commemoration, here's a prologue smn to introduce them officially. will i be doing this every two characters appear? idk this was tuff werk.
📎 this is also a way for me to practice drawing them consistently, so pardon the ugly.

35 71

Currently on 18 Sharks in a row - when will an elusive Mermaid appear??

Our longest run was 27 Sharks in a row so she can't be far away.... 👀

Stay Salty 🦈🧜‍♀️

6 17

Do I think it’s totally viable for me to just reappear after I disappear? Yes. Anyways, facial plane practice bc I have no clue what I’m doing rip

0 5

We got another research goal!
How did I get antlers? Where did the Snowflake on my back appear? How am I able to switch species?!

0 3

second one is crystal butterfly 🦋
anemo catalyst (or spear? but catalyst sounds more pretty!)

3 9

tweet this like a spoiler, well In Pokemon anime Clair owns Shiny Druddigon, does she gonna appear?, if yes then probably for Ash Dracovish Development

0 10

This is absolutely adorable qoq

For a fruit, I'm thinking maybe a pear? 🤔I'm open to suggestions though!!

0 1

Odila's raincoat is stupidly fancy looking. I can't help but winder when I look at it, where the heck does her hair go? Does it get flattened? Or just disappear?

0 4

What if I gave our hero a fiery spear? :o

8 20

We have some games on discount for the Halloween Sale, but there's no tidy page for the sale with the featured games? When you search Poppy Works, none of our games appear?

Anyway, here are the games in the sale:

0 1

Just realized we still haven't seen Marine Beat Dynamic in Tropical Rouge... We have roughly 12 eps left, when could it possibly appear? 🤔

40 240

something just occurred to me, how are the rise dev's going to expand on apex's? (if rise ultimate is gonna be a thing) cause iirc apex's were created when some monsters survives narwa and ibushi storms, now that the serpents are gone how are more apex's gonna appear?(1/2).

0 5

How does stuff appear?

4 24