One reason 90% of tourists to Africa go to Egypt is good job Egypt does publicising each new find of ancient Egyptian treasures, once a month. Archaeologists now displaying artifacts from newly-discovered 3500 year-old tomb of Shedsu-Djehuty in Luxor, 700 km south of Cairo.

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4 reasons ‘publicist’ is a dirty word in PR - PR Daily

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Many thanks to for publicising my Craft of Writing course in today's Galway Advertiser:

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The fact that even Cardi’s own team was in on this as well. Her publicist was literally the one who brought him out on stage.... fire your whole team sis.

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When I said I wanted to be their publicist, I was kinda serious. Hahah

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Tip top creative jobs this week are from Soho House, TRO, The Telegraph Grad Scheme, Channel 4, Publicis.Sapient, AKQA and more! Head this way to discover our jobs board:

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Agh I'm in New Book Agony. It launches in a fortnight - haven't heard back from the publicist - what if it gets no reviews and noone notices its genius? Ironic pic, because I am scared I'll end up on the shelf...

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I came across these (from TF UK) and realised how late in the day the name change - from Dragon's Teeth to Claws - came. As late as pre-publicising the signings (two in one day - we were full of youthful zeal!) for issue But now I can't imagine it not called Dragon's Claws.

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Oh hey, I have a new publicist helping with my books and events at . Big wave to Louisa Danquah in her new job! 💐💐💐

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It’s easy to see an author’s name on a book, and forget the dozens of editors, designers, artists, marketers, salespeople, publicists and on and on. There is an *army* behind those pages. And if one of them wavers, the whole thing falls.

The strength of the wolf is the pack.

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In September 2005 the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten commissioned 12 cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, including one that showed him wearing a bomb-shaped turban woth a burning fuse. In January 2006, the cartoons were more widely publicised and reprint…

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Noah Needle's graphic design has been chosen for this week's Artwork of the Week. Noah is in Year 10 and has created this to publicise Force Graphics.

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Arranged meetings this morning, had a great first week at my new position, now time to put on the hat and get stuck in!

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Launching Your Second Book and Beyond: 4 Questions to Ask > guest post by novelist Andrea Dunlop formerly a publicist at Doubleday.

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artists impression of the (not at all self publicising) Channel crossing Boris Bridge design

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NYF Advertising Awards welcomes Bruno Bertelli , Global Chief Creative Officer for Publicis to our 2018 Executive Jury! Thanks for joining us Bruno!

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