Do you think Jamie would've traveled to the future with Claire if he could've passed thru the stones?

0 8

Think you would've been able to believe Claire's story of time travel?

0 8

Were you surprised at how Geilie sacrificed herself to save Claire?

0 5

If Jet would burn a Witch's skin, why wouldn't the judges just carry a Jet Rosary as a simple means of determining guilt?

2 15

What did you think of the trial by water for Witches?

0 7

What do you think Geilie meant when she said, "So, it's possible." ??? WHAT's possible?

0 10

Who do you think is more ruthless, Colum or Geilie?

4 38

Were you surprised to find out about Dougal and Geilie?

1 10

What did you think about the rigged Witch Pricker?

0 19

Is anybody else frustrated that Claire, despite her promise to Jamie to stay away from Geillis, goes to Crainsmuir anyway? Esp after what happened last time she disobeyed him?

1 9

Why do you think Claire was so reckless as to let Colum know that she knew the truth about Hamish's parentage?

0 6

Do you think Colum is really the one who set Claire up for arrest with Geillis?

1 5

Do you think Jamie knew who put the ill wish in their bed?

1 13

What did you think about the idea of a man raping a woman and then her being forced to marry and live with her rapist?

0 32

Does is strike you as ironic that while they've promised honesty, Claire is constantly lying to Jamie about who she really is?

0 9

Ever had a lapse in judgment that cost you a dent in your pride? I'lll tell you one of mine, if ye tell me one o' yours.

1 12

Do you think Jamie was so mature so early in life because of his education or because of how he was raised by Ellen & Brian? Or kids grew up faster then?

0 24

How did you feel about Jamie's statement that he felt justified in taking Claire to be regardless of her lack of consent?

1 9

Do you think Claire's jealousy was unreasonable?

1 9

How do you think you'd have felt in Leoghaire's place upon finding out about Jamie's marriage to Claire?

0 17