Some DS9 sketchessss
Had to draw Odo and Kira, and some Cardassians

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I’ve been watching and I love Dax SO much.
Dax is... my favorite worm
Anyway... I might dump some more fanart here

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he. do you know what him looks like???

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Doctor Bashir 🩺🌌✨#StarTrekDS9

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The captain. I love this man. Wonderfully acted by Avery Brooks. Such a great character!

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Captain Nog doodle. I absolutely loved in every scene. His performances were unforgettable, and relatable. I can’t wait to get my hands on a USS Nog from !

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А что на принесла команда Трека? О! У нас есть шикарные акварели по и не менее шикарные арты по И даже TOS есть - классный скетч с краснорубашечницей! Приходите!

2 15

전선데이를 핑계삼아 그냥 그린 개랙바시어

30 24

I finished my episode poster for your viewing pleasure. And that completes my season 2 poster set

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Команда Трека выложила визуал - 20 артов и 2 клипа! Наши артеры любят traditional art ❤

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Ok hear me out--Cardassian feet that go clickclickclickclick on the floor like a big lizard

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