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Prof Bucknold's Spellcasting Foci is in the final proofread phase! Make your focus matter!

🪄 22 original magic items each w/ several abilities
🪄 wise variety of flavor, buffs, and attacks
🪄 2 new monster stats
🪄 develop your focus' backstory

Coming soon!

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There are 22 original items in Prof Bucknold's Spellcasting Foci supplement w/ over 120 abilities for tiers 1-3.

Don't want to change spellcasting foci mechanics? No problem - you'll still have a huge variety of new items packed w/ flavor.

These 3 items have 16 abilities!

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I spent several hours yesterday finishing the layout for Prof. Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci…

Bigger font, more abilities, notes from Bucknold, and a little breathing room on the pages. It feels good! Just a final edit to go!

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After a fun session, a terrible sleep & a hot water tank not working I managed to work on Prof Bucknold's Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci.

I'm loosening up the pages; leaving some space, increased font size, adding flavor w/ Bucknold's notes & adding more abilities!

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Are your hands injured from slaying monsters?
Do you struggle with spell gestures?
Try these Spellcasting Beads!
No need for somatic gestures in spells.
Use your hands for holding tankards instead.
Hi-Res Art & StatBlock FREE on our website:🚨LINK IN BIO🚨

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Hey DoubleDM!

I’m finishing up Prof Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci within this week!

This 5e supplement makes your Spellcasting focus matter. It includes 22 Foci, each with several abilities that unlock as you progress.

Coming soon to DMsGuild!

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Hey Titanomachy!

I’m finishing up Prof Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci within this week!

This 5e supplement makes your Spellcasting focus matter. It includes 22 Foci, each with several abilities that unlock as you progress.

Coming soon to DMsGuild!

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Hey Homebakery!

I’m finishing up Prof Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci within this week!

This 5e supplement makes your Spellcasting focus matter. It includes 22 Foci, each with several abilities that unlock as you progress.

Coming soon to DMsGuild!

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Hey Bogus!

I’m finishing up Prof Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci within this week!

This 5e supplement makes your Spellcasting focus matter. It includes 22 Foci, each with several abilities that unlock as you progress.

Coming soon to DMsGuild!

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Professor Bucknold's Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci makes your focus matter.

22 original foci illustrated each with several abilities that unlock as your character levels up.

Coming soon to !

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I've got a Branch of the Beekeeper druidic focus in my upcoming Spellcasting Foci book - throw that in there too :P

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drawing spellcasting is a ✨Vibe✨

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Professor Bucknold's Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci makes your focus matter.

22 original foci illustrated each with several abilities that unlock as your character levels up.

Coming soon to !

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Thanks DoubleDM!

I’m nearing completion on Professor Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci!

22 Spellcasting Foci that unlock more powerful abilities as you progress.

Coming soon to DMsGuild!

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Prof. Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci is coming soon!

22 original items each with several abilities that unlock as you progress.

Including the Ravenous Reliquary - channel the ashes within for unpredictable abilities.

Make your focus matter.

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Here’s an example of how your increasing proficiency unlocks new abilities with your Spellcasting focus in Professor Bucknold’s Closet of Confiscated Spellcasting Foci - coming soon to DMsGuild!

🪄22 fully illustrated Spellcasting Foci
📚develop the backstory of your focus

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Another Duplicate! Magical spellcasting under the moonlight!

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15 minutes in google images. I fckign knew it. FUcking hacks.

Try and put effort in your fcking posters. MCU Stephen does NOT use Alchemy spellcasting (yet)

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