El Greco: La oración en el huerto de los olivos. 1607 Óleo sobre lienzo
169cm×112cm, Iglesia de Santa María la Mayor, Andújar
La mitad inferior representa a Pedro, Santiago y Juan. En la mitad superior,Jesús ora frente al ángel que le presenta el cáliz

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Esto también aplica al Gear 4.
En Wano Kuni ven al G4 de Luffy que como un Myo-o (rey de la sabiduría) y algunos hasta lo traducen como dios del fuego. Bueno, como ahora Luffy se trata del "dios del sol" que es un grado superior, por eso la gomu gomu pasa de rojo a blanco.

1 16

A take on 's OC. Twintails are indeed superior, change my mind

3 18

Vam imaginar com quedaria sense arbres a la part superior, però… llavors la il·lustració perdia molta gràcia. Fins i tot vaig provar de fer una franja… res, encara era una solució pitjor.
Era una bona però no una bona

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Vanilla,once a qualified soldier who treated his superior,more,as his father, is now wounded on this mission, but has shown himself to be absolutely loyal to more.

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Please know that your content is superior, which is why it was stolen by them in the first place.

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Everyone behold our champion. The ultimate, and truly superior, DSMP! Wilbur, as brought to you by Mod Space.

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Here is the Nature Boi Superior, Hope you reach 600 Follower’s! ^^

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Entiendo porqué a mucha gente le gusta poner a Kakashi con Iruka, pero el Kakashi x Guy es superior, ya, lo dije 🤣

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El sufijo "-ito" añade un aspecto diminutivo en el nombre "Sprigatito". Lo que sugiere la existencia de un Pokémon superior, cuyas dimensiones y características sobrepasan la imaginación del ser humano. Este ente es conocido como:


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Dato curioso: A partir de este momento se puede seguir con la lectura/visionado de forma tradicional o saltar al Spinoff oficial, hecho por el mismo mangaka que hizo el Spinoff oficial, y versión superior, de Rent-A-Girlfriend, Yahiro Pochi.

3 20

With system so advanced and superior, Nines sure does overheat his circuits a lot. A LOT.

...Did Gavin just uwu?

(pages 39-40 are on Patreon)

59 557

reb con el cabello largo es superior, nada mas que decir

81 287

The Blights! I made 2 versions since I can't choose which is superior, the yellowish version or the blueish version. ARGHH they are BOTH SOO GOOD!😍And pleaseee can we have more sibling moments in season 2b??🥺Plus I forgot to post the DTYIS I did for … https://t.co/8hzphhSyn5

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Candlemas today, and details of the Presentation in the Temple by O'Connor, 1870s at Rickinghall Superior, Suffolk, a redundant church in the care of . There is a light that never goes out.

4 39

But this leads to Starline thinking "I can improve things, my ideas are better!" Basically? "My ideas are superior, I can save this franchise and break the Sonic cycle!"

How many fans has not had that mindset with the Sonic series?


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gostaria de trazer mais imagens do NOSSO TASM3!

É isso que vocês estão vendo: traje Superior, Kraven e Mary Jane. Sem Gwen revivendo, esse Peter precisa seguir em frente



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Ewiyar looked at all the specs, looked at mortals, and decided the provided specs were absolute trash. Did independent research and found a different, far superior, spec to implement. The developer who made Google Translate for Animals.

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Up next we have David Aris ♡

David is a mysterious yet flirty bodyguard, the twin brother to your superior, Victoria. He seems very laid back and care free, but you have to wonder how much of it is truly a facade...

How long will he hold you at arms length?

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