Office manager ALWAYS KNOWS.
Even if stuff hasn't happen yet, office manager already KNOWS. They see the future, they KNOW-KNOW.

38 462

Ииии безумный эксперимент... =Р

9 57

Ничего не могу поделать! Когда беру перо и думаю о reed1700, в голову приходят они!

2 29

With system so advanced and superior, Nines sure does overheat his circuits a lot. A LOT.

...Did Gavin just uwu?

(pages 39-40 are on Patreon)

59 557


New page of my comic is up on Patreon! 💜💙

10 88

Наверно, они хотели поработать, но что-то пошло так

23 147

I love drunk Connor, what can I say XD

Also I wonder how panicked Nines hasn't run away yet - leaving a Nines-shaped hole in a nearby wall.

(pages 38-39 are on Patreon)

44 480

Commission for a wonderful
Always love your ideas, darling 💙💙💙

87 562

Did... did Connor's tipsy ass just make a move or something? Or was he really just joking? Or was he not? CONNOR?!.. explain yourself, sir.

(pages 36-37 are on Patreon)

44 506

We finally return to the bar to Connor and Nines! Let's drink again - and learn what Nines actually wants in this life...

Turns out he wants some romantic stuff, would you look at that! 😊💙

(pages 35-37 are on Patreon)

38 474

New page (37) of is up on Patreon!

You'll find pages 34, 35 and 36 there as well - all for $3! 💙

6 81

New page (36) of is up on Patreon!

You'll find pages 33, 34 and 35 there as well - for $3!

5 73

И окончание приключений ))

По стеллсу -
– Ненавижу тентакли, – шептал Гэвин себе под нос, отплевываясь от нападавшей сверху грязи.

И арт ☄️💥☄️
And there are many paths to tread (

10 73

Продолжение приключений ))

Финальная миссия -
– Стоит мне отлучиться, вы тут же устраиваете оргию!

И арт 💙💙💙
The world ahead (

16 109