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And drajeweled might adding long term errands for him

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it's !

I use any pronouns, though I don't really use the term trans for myself, I kinda just exist here in the abyss

also have my non cis characters that grow in numbers each passing day

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hi, i'm mika. trans non-binary lesbian. i have a long-term project that is currently on hold (The Undying Mr. Ludwig) but i hope i have the energy and the mindset to work on it again. here are some old pieces that ended up being key art

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These three!
Nuttykins: He’s a funky looking acorn (in a good way).
Nefertem: Best representation of the term “alien star”.

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Avance de mi "animación " mi versión
Espero term8narla pronto y espero que los yanderes que ponga se vean bien espero les sea de agrado jmm

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Illusory is a term that invokes an emotional and imaginative response within us. It calls into question the very nature of reality and invites us to explore the boundaries of our own perception. In art, "Illusory" can be expressed through visual techniques that… https://t.co/6HXEpzbkKU

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i’m starting to worry a lot more about my health and weight, so i’ll be starting to watch what i eat and cutting some stuff out long term! :(

super sorry if i’m a bit slow with art while i get used to this!!

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The left lecturing people on morality is like Fat Albert lecturing people on eating healthy. Spare me the moral outrage from folks who approve of late-term abortion, 237 genders and chemically castrating children. I'll pass.

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Check out , very bullish on the project long term! Constantly building and bringing value to their holders

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Open for commissions, draw backgrounds and characters.
Prefer short term-projects/single commission works, not interested in large projects atm.
Price depends on complexity.

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lovlim wears the term "flower" with pride tbh tee hee

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"I don’t know what’s going to happen today, tomorrow or throughout the first few weeks. But I know we’re going to make it work. The short-term might be out of our control, but the long-term is completely in our entire community’s control."

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Blimey! Just been notified yesterday was mermaid day.... Damn. Belated- and dad-fish probably wouldn't prefer the term 'mermaid' (that's siren to you!), Isn't a perfect time to show some love to my siren ancestry?

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I'm only investing in Serious Long-Term projects from here on out. Buy more 🔫🍬

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Never shooting is always miss! And sometimes it just takes one good solid shot! Our Spring Term at starts in 2 weeks! Seats are still available! We are going to hit it hard this Term!

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I’ve completed two major milestones with my proposal: a story outline and character sketches. Now I’ll let it simmer while I wait to hear back on my grant application and take on some shorter-term projects. But - meet my peoples! 🎥 😀

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I went to school yesterday and picked up my dean's list certificate 😳
can't believe i still managed to be a first honor last term 🥺

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I'd also like to shout out if you're looking for a community full of long term holders and a straight love for gorgeous art and a super Kool artist!

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My prim kid is named Frey (short for Geoffrey Azelhart II because yeah) and Temenos kid is Wells (short for Wellscrick because I make myself sad) and they're in gays together (Frey is bi but shhhh gays is an umbrella term here)

I would be very down to making AUs of them hehe

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Just got a I think they will do well long term, how’d I do? W? https://t.co/l4CQmHzbYh

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