📢 SORTEAZO ⚠️ De Julio 🌞

Motivo de la celebración y locura transitoria:
💍 💞 ¡Me caso! 😍👰‍♀️

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📢 Fecha: 15-07-20

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I really enjoyed this piece, which looks closely at three Marvel releases from this week with an eye toward what they have to say about the our current '...period of enormous pain and betrayal, punctuated with glimpses, however fleeting and transitory, of growth and change.'

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[FLASHBACK] 8年前の6月6日は金星太陽面通過の日。関東一円は悪天候の予報で、前夜からGPVとにらめっこしつつ向かった先は信州。駒ヶ岳SAで荷解きし晴れを待つ。高速で流れる雲に一喜一憂しつつも、1〜4接触まで何とか撮影。生涯最後の金星太陽面通過を楽しんだ。

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Karel Dujardin, "Boy Blowing Soap Bubbles. Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life", 1668.

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“Durante años, mi trabajo ha examinado las variaciones en los momentos transitorios entre soñar y despertar, que revelan rastros fugaces de lo que una vez fue, pero presumiblemente ha desaparecido...©Susan Burnstine

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William Nicholson 'Poppies in Pewter.' Nicholson's still lifes are deft examples of the genre; in this painting he revels in the transitory play of light and the reflection of the poppies bulge out from the plate's convex surface.

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Y recuerda que el paso del tiempo es sólo una medida ilusoria que creamos para hacernos sentir especiales y valorados por periodos momentáneos y transitorios. La realidad es que nada de lo que haces tiene valor para nadie, e incluso, ni para ti mismo.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

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Being Her: This is (not) a (de)transiton.
A sequence about identity, and trauma healing.

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The dynamic figure with amorphous shadowy sections in Kang Seung Lee's work references the transitory nature of both physical forms and as art. The work is offered at https://t.co/I6St5Rag2u, along with more than 70 works of art.

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E essa aqui é o equivalente a uma briga de transito

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Sign up and show an artist friend some support! Helps with transiton, art supplies, upgradimg products and more!

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People's bad intention will always exist, but sometimes it is transitory and if you don't follow the game it loses all it's value. You have demonstrated your maturity and respect for yourself, I am proud of you..

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quando eu começo a atravessar a rua no transito e todos os carros param pra eu passar

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‘Thus it has pleased Almighty God to take, out of this transitory life, unto his divine mercy, the most Noble, Lord Horatio Nelson.'

Discover how the nation bid farewell to in the new blog: https://t.co/obb7RhNcM9

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Boy Blowing Soap Bubbles. Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life by Karel Dujardin (1663)

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10/28に行われるM3-2018秋で配布されますKeisuke Hara様の新譜【Transitory】のCDジャケット描かせていただきました。


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