Here’s a sketch after an English nobleman from a painting by in the in Florence I did this summer. I liked the mass of cloth floating around him...

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Artwork: The Cuman Sibyl
Artist: Andrea del
Date: 1450
Style: Early
Genre: mythological painting
Type: fresco
Location: Uffizi Gallery,

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Jacopo Ligozzi, Gerbil, 1580-1600, drawing, 260 x 341 mm
(Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence)

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Circe and the Companions of Ulysses, Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola or Parmigianino, 1527, Uffizi Gallery.

In this episode from the Odyssey, Circe offers Odysseus's men a magic potion that will turn them into beasts, yet leave them helplessly aware of their changed state.

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I'm so far behind with my art works on Twitter 👀
Based on a sculpture from the gallery, Florence

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Finally, my version of The Birth of Venus! I was lucky enough to see this one in person (back then when traveling was easy, before the Black Plague) and it was a breathtaking experience (1/1)

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The Art Historical importance of Raphael's 1512 Rome "The Judgement of Paris" is further verified by scores of Copies & Versions of it-one in the Uffizi Gallery another in the Swedish National Gallery whose significant authorship our research will also reveal at a future time🧑‍🎨

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In these recent hard times, we wish to focus on the value of Look at the virtual exhibit on in art on our website
Do you know why Tobiolous is depicted with a big fish while walking with 3 Archangels? 1471-2

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Ricco dettaglio da "Leone X con i cardinali Giulio de' Medici e Luigi de' Rossi" di Raffaello Sanzio (Urbino, Italia 1483 - 1520). Uffizi, Firenze.
Il libro riprodotto è la "Hamilton Bible" (1350) Napoli, Cristoforo Orimina.

Via Libri Usati e Antichi

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El deseo de juntar en algún momento en una pequeña exposición las dos alegorías de la escultura y la pintura realizadas por Livio Mehus, y ahora separadas. La primera en los Uffizi y la segunda en el Prado

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The Uffizi Galleries in Italy prepare to re-open to the public after over two months of lockdown. How do they plan to do it and what will be different?

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Painting is hard.
I’ve been thinking about making this painting in oil for a few years. Finding clarity and loving this palette. ....Dancing at the Uffizi

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Il Parrocchetto dal collare, al tempo del disegno di (1577-87ca, era sicuramente percepito come pennuto esotico! Oggi popola stabilmente numerose città italiane provocando non pochi danni! Nonostante l'aspetto simpatico è assai nocivo per i raccolti!

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Portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici, by Bronzino in the Uffizi

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