Thank you for everyone who supported until now, I've never would've been able to be here without you chat ❤ thank you for all the love you share ~ here's full png of new model, you all earned it ♡

17 61

Thank you for the little Rin comission, i absolutly love it, it's soo adorable and cute, aaaaaaaa 💕💗💗💗
Go follow and support him!!!

7 29

I've been doing art for a while - "blue kalocat" is finished!😃😃😃😃
久々アートしたよー「ブルーkalocat」が完成しました(●⌒∇⌒●) わーい  

4 24

vs irl me

Everyone else is doing it, may as well, try for myself ~ here you go everyone.

4 28

I finally completed the art of ebii Nya on Today’s stream😃😃😃😃
やっと私の愛する愛しの海老名市のゆるきゃら「えび~にゃ」のアートが完成しました(●⌒∇⌒●) わーい  

4 17

I finished painting a dog requested by my viewer homomorphic_to_a_dog on livestream today!😃
ビュワーのhomeomorphic_to_a_dogさんのリクエストの犬の絵を描き終えました(●⌒∇⌒●) わーい  

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