Today’s is the Tawny Owl this splendid nocturnal bird of prey likes a diet of voles and mice. They live in hollows in trees where they find shelter for their eggs & young

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Oh, hi! I see a ton of new followers popping up today! Thank you so much! Might as well introduce myself. I'm Dez, I draw a little webcomic (currently on semi-hiatus) called Frivolesque ( and I enjoy drawing cute girls with glasses! Thanks for being here!

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Sto prendendo uno stand a questo nuovo mercatino LGBT-Nerd di Roma~
Se qualcuno volesse venire per entrare basta pagare un tesseramento annuale di 8€ (o 5 se lo fate online)
Sarò lì con tablet e acquerelli, quindi potrete commissionarmi qualsiasi cosa sul momento!

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Today’s Everybody is gathering hazelnuts in the woods right now wood mice voles squirrels & humans alike we are all hoarding food for the lean times ahead in more ways than one

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This is a bobcat in the design of
He's an old tom who's running low on stamina and joy. He mostly hunts mice, voles and the occasional bird, but his arthritis is keeping him from getting faster pray. He was another warm-up but I love him!

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You go hiking in the hills behind his house. He keeps asking if you identify as an e-girl. He keeps saying he wants an e-girl girlfriend. At his bungalow, he shows you his collection of hand carved stone figures of mice and voles. They look very realistic. He’s a hoarder.

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Child version of Dr. Frost, she is going through a major revamp which involes her being a child from a concentration camp.

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Nos bénévoles ont du talent ! Par

On s'amuse en attendant la !



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Suite à la suggestion d'un de ses bénévoles, nous nous sommes lancé dans la rédaction d'un article qui présente l'initiative "Stop Finning", notamment son combat en Europe. Quel est son combat ? En 4 mots : Interdire le commerce d'ailerons.

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A bit of naughty fan art of Chloe from Frivolesque, a comic by

Go and check out his comic!

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Here's a very casual Zoe! It was about time I drew the Frivolesque characters outside of those mugshots!

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🖥️💪Internet pour tou·te·s!

Le podcast Solidarité numérique met en lumière les médiateurs·trices bénévoles qui accompagnent les 13 millions de Français qui ont des difficultés avec le numérique


Un podcast de la produit par

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Also se qualcuno avesse Geremia sull'isola e volesse mandarlo via... Sono interessatissima a portarvelo via io in nook miles/stelline i miss him é stato il mio villager preferito fin da quando ero piccina e mi manca un sacco please Geremia vieni sulla mia isolaaa

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Questo é il risultato della live di oggi, in questi giorni ne farò spesso quindi per chi volesse può unirsi, streammo live sul canale Twitch: ShintaroKuma

My oc

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L'amico Brandtthompson mi ha chiesto un ritratto di famiglia eseguito ad olio. Eccolo! Il dipinto è in digital fatto con e sembra davvero materico, naturale. Per chi volesse saperne di più scrivetemi, o leggete il mio blog

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Post four games that define your taste.

Che gusti oh.
Lascio il libero arbitrio per chi volesse farlo 👀

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I think it's cause she arcing back and I thought she had cane in her hand XD I really need more people to take part like in the past though oof! I like how your idea of winding involes drawing female versions of friends ocs! XD Remember this last one?

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Three books, three covers, three colors!

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