Let the Day Perish Wherein I Was Born (The Book of Job), William Blake, 1821 https://t.co/SiM6HuXbGV

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Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing
-1786, William Blake

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"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." ❄️


by Igor Medvedev

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There Were Not Found Women Fair (The Book of Job), William Blake, 1821 https://t.co/7BdfQhoRJi

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Cain Fleeing from the Wrath of God (The Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve), William Blake, c. 1805-1809 https://t.co/cFv20GtD7z

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is one of my favourite - the power of which are generally small, is immense. The exhibition of his work at was the most magical exhibition that I have ever attended.

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Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing
-1786, William Blake

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Happy Birthday William Blake! As the years go by, i become more and more fascinated with the work of this visionary and mystic.

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My boy William’s birthday today. Second pic is the front cover of VALA, the journal devoted to Blake which we () launched today https://t.co/yYkQijTvn2 Third is the comic I drew to celebrate William’s 250th birthday, way back in 2007 for

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William Blake was born 1757. These illustrations by Blake are for the poem “The Grave” (1743) by Scottish poet Robert Blair, one of the so-called Graveyard Poets.

The Skeleton Reanimated
The Gambols of Ghosts
By an Open Grave

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"To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour." ✒ Ingenious British poet and artist was born 28 November 1757.

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The Centaurs and the River of Blood (from Dante's "Divine Comedy"), William Blake, 1824-1827 https://t.co/zzWypuo1as

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The Angel Michael Binding Satan by There is struggle. It's real. But doesn't the fight look a bit yinyangish? Spiritual warfare is not a zero sum game.

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Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing
-1786, William Blake

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