everyone! Take a moment to and before another busy wk of work! ☺️ 🎧🎤❤️☕️

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New poster for an amazing production I am involved with

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"No matter what's happening in my life, I can always get lost in the romances of my characters."

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"Even if your work touches one person, that's an amazing gift."

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Had to screenshot what's happening w/ me right now! Couldn't write this essay on multiple tweets! haha!

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Milky white getting notes from the director.

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My last but one time on season 2 this time last year!!! :) Rx

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Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

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😀🎉👏🏻3 day wknd starts now!! 😉👠💃😘#VO 🙌🏻art work-as always!! 💕

3 9

In a world often filled with negativity, it's very important to try to find the side.

1 8

Maybe- when is almost just away, I have to remind myself of things like this!! 🙌🏻

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