I give my daily anxieties, worries, and fears forms like gods or warriors. I then give my hope and strength a form and send her into my art to kick their ass or solve things. Her name is Elspeth and she believes she is on a mission to collect every archetype in existence. ⭐

4 27

i've been wondering what archetype Nadine (and her sister) falls into... she's a gyaru through and through.

7 41

The best part is the most recent support the archetype got in Big Welcome Labyrnth, which is literally some Sailor Moon level stuff. Ojo-laugh in the moonlight while petals make a heart.

10 56

7:Kjetil Golid
Decagon、Archetypeの作者でノルウェーを拠点として活動しています。繰り返されるパターンを使った建築物をイメージさせる明るい色調の作品が特徴的。彼の"GENERATED SPACE"というサイトではこれまでの作品のパラメーターを編集して出力結果を試すことができます

3 11

Also another throwaway generic OC.
I love this hairstyle and archetype of girl.

4 58

Huge guys with silly and cute faces is one my new favorite archetypes now.

6 21

Love him. I was scared early on that Arise's MC was gonna be edgy/gruff to appeal to westerners. But I was wrong.

Alphen is a callback to the classic Tales hero archetype (eg. Cress). Genuine passion and drive to do what's right. Plus he's a dork who loves spicy food. He's good. https://t.co/0fQVlUgVsW

28 204

Completely random question... but if you were to choose a furry animal for this punk bean to become, what would you think she would be?

She's a smol (equivalent of 5'1 human form), bully archetype (think like Amity from The Owl House)

I'm curious... 👀

0 6

34. ah yes the red bisexual wyvern rider woman. i love everyone in her archetype

0 11


I was waiting for when YuGiOh would do a Fighting Game archetype, and seeing them include a Potemkin expy culled any doubts and suspicions I had. Can't wait to play 'em!

(Crossposted from my regular account) https://t.co/gsLhXlVEZ3

1 6

Fantasian has one of the most solid RPG casts. Each party member hits a different archetype, and there's not a weak link in the bunch!

0 1

for all the fire emblem archetypes out there i'm surprised there isn't one called "raven and lucius":

the archetype for a gay couple that is composed of a strong melee-weapon user and a mage twink

16 128

Modeled after the lovely A woman painting women - using the female gaze to creating new archetypes.
❤️ Give her a follow 🙏

7 17

Red Planeswalker
commission for a good friend

we talked about mtg archetypes and decided he'd be a red aligned walker - so i attempted to describe him as one.

25 406

Journey to the Planet Love. Faith is the answer, but "I" is missing.

1 2

Journey to the Planet Love. Faith is the answer, but "I" is missing.

0 0

After spending almost a whole week researching archetypes, traits, and waiting for the right opportunities close to the floor, I finally joined the fam today.

Such an incredible project with amazing artwork. Excited to see what the team has cooking


16 117

From a request from my tumblr where someone asked about my interpretation of Swap!Kim’s archetypes! I’ve only fully finished THINKER so the other two are just rough sketches for now.

31 154

Some NPCs for a game of Fabula Ultima I’m running.

The “enemy soldiers that can obviously be turned look at that Cloud looking dude” archetype.

1 4

Archetype: Zoner (powerup)
Playstyle: Keeps the opponents at bay with long-ranged normals that spread vapor. He can teleport between vapor clouds as well as move slightly faster. He has a myriad of vapor related projectiles to wall them out. Very low HP

8 36