For those of Xfans that have trouble with head rotations! With this, you can learn & practice using these on whichever character you want to draw!
With simple shapes, you can draw this easily! 🤗

Made by inkartluis, Tool:

35 223

VD & CD artist tried our and loves it. ❤️She especially likes the finish on the screen as it feels good to work on. Check out her full review here:


Ready for an


1 28

Created by (IG)using our

She likes the color on the screen and the pen pressure. She finds it difficult to install the driver on her Mac at first, but after following the instructions she was able to set it up easily.☺️

Shop: https://t.co/3fz2AzGVzQ

0 24

Digital Illustrator tried our and enjoyed it. This is his first monitor tablet. Check out his full review to see his first experience transitioning from a non-screen tablet.


Ready for an


2 32

is right around the corner, have you ever wondered a different style of the Xmas tree?🤔
This time, invite you to redraw the Xmas tree in your own style☺️☃️🎄
Grand Prize: Artist22R Pro
Runner up: Artist156Pro holidayedition
3rd place: DecoPro+Giftpackage

151 559


를 맞이하여 최대 40%할인행사를 진행하는 공식 스토어가 여러분을 찾아갑니다~! 많이 찾아주시고 즐거운 주말 보내세요~!
주소: https://t.co/N9wsRiQaPC

15 12


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Art contest entries sharing

Both of the following images are created by (IG)

Only 3 days left!

Take the chance to win an

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