Last Reminder, Tamberlane Patrons!! Go catch up to page 160 on Patreon! A new page goes up on Wednesday!! hurry!!

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Good Morning Tamberlane Patrons!! Did you remember to catch up to page 160 of Patreon? New page will post on Wednesday!

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Hello Tamberlane Patrons!! Page 160 is up for you to read on Patreon! neat! Thank you so much for your patience while we were on a short break!

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Hey Patrons! Page 159 is up on Patreon, albiet a little late!! Please go give it a read!! Thanks again for your patience! <3

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Apologies for getting page 159 up so late on Patreon yesterday! If you haven't gone and checked it's a great time! Thank you all for your patience. :)

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Hey Patrons! page 159 updated late on Patreon yesterday, so it's a good idea to go read it!! Thank you so much for your patience!

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Tamberlane updated to page 158 on Patreon today! $1+ Patrons should go check it out! Remember, you get to read a week ahead of everyone else! Neat!

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Hey! It's Wednesday! All you $1+ Patrons get to read page 158 of Tamerlane today! Go on over to Patreon to check it out!

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Have you checked out Tamberlane on Patreon today? Page 157 is up for you read if you have pledged $1 or more! You get to read the comic 1 week ahead of everyone else! how cool is that?!

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Don't forget to check out all those cameos on Patreon!!! $1+ Patrons get to read Tamberlane one week ahead of everyone else! how cool is that?!

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