Hey there you can call me yandere if you'd like! I am on the spectrum as I have been diagnosed with aspergers

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Here are My OCS, The Three Nerdy Princesses! Samantha is the gamer, Molly is the moviegoer and Josephine is the comic book geek. They were all born illegitimately, Molly is against human trafficking, Samantha has Asperger's syndrome and Josephine is a lesbian.

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Samuel es un niño de 11 años que aparece en la 2da saga de Furry Workers. Tiene sindrome de asperger, por lo que es timido y callado, y sueña con ser un chef profesional. Su signo es capricornio.♑️🍳

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bro i hate being a mentally handicapped gamer
it feels like I'll always be stuck at a low rank because of my perpetually slow reaction times or atypical manner of thinking and reasoning

come to think of it, Asperger's really gets in the way of everything

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今日は だそうですね。ミモザサラダ描いたことあったような…と過去絵を見直したら、SNSに載せたことない絵だったので上げておこうっと^^
salade d'asperges d'ile-de-france

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I suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, OCD and anxiety.
My art isn’t the best but I’m glad people still enjoy my pictures 💙

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Mads some new OCs, a plus size witch named Agatha and her wizard in training little brother Shermy! Shermy's got Asperger's and he's still learning magic from Agatha, who's very protective of her brother and loves hanging out with him!

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Although I didn’t watch much Arthur as a kid, one episode I like is “When Carl Met George”.

As someone who cried whenever someone talked in a helium voice as a kid, I related to the part where Carl was scared by the puppet. They also explain Asperger’s to kids in a clever way.

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Comisión para por el día mundial del Asperger.

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Uy es el día internacional del Asperger?

Recordatorio que "Asperger" es el nombre de un nazi que mataba a niñxs con autismo y su nombre se usa para separar a quienes son "altamente funcionales" en esta sociedad capacitista y lxs que no.

No tengo "asperger", tengo autismo.

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Just minted my Frisky Ferret! All 1/1 and only a total of 22! When I got mine they were down to 13. Their goal is to partner with a Charity that works with Children that have ASD or Asperger’s.


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. as Rizwan Khan. A man with Asperger's syndrome; socially awkward & highly intellectual. Shah Rukh does justice 2 this role with dignity & compassion like no 1 else could. An iconic movie with a strong message

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• Ela tem Talassofobia e Síndrome de Asperger.
•Por conta do seu envolvimento com o ocultismo, não conseguiu terminar o ensino médio.
• Mora com a tia, uma agente da ordem.

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If you have a server I’d love to join! I wa diagnosed with Aspergers at 11 myself. Here’s some of my favorites recently I’ve drawn

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Rie's pretty easy to find info on, so let's focus on Hiroki.

He's a peaceful guy. He loves to be solitary, but still around the family, particularly his father. He is neurodivergent (Asperger). His hyperfixation is gardening, thus why the Miyamoto residence is so garden-y!

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¡Buenos días y feliz primer lunes del año! Empecemos este con un poco de humor, literal, claro. 😎

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I don't really do New Years resolution stuff but I wish I could be more social. Having Aspergers has really set me back in life.

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