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🤓 Learn screen set up
🌀 Know concentric vs eccentric
💥Emergency pace

Smooth Start in EP: Read the blog 👇

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1 4

Think about your learning management system as your online classroom...

Set Up Your LMS to Ensure Student Success

9 23

Croissant 🥐


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"While Zoom is highly effective for its intended purposes, it is not short of advantages and disadvantages for Students either loathe or love it." 🖥️

Continue reading: https://t.co/NLoYasjgqL

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Street scene study. Exploring watercolour transparency, blending colours and layering.

0 5

Hybrid mode activated! It's happening - the 2021 ASCILITE Conference. Join online or join us as UNE. Registrations close soon! https://t.co/LEas3eyyTg

3 9

Develop the confidence, skills and ability to run practical activities with young people. Take a look at our new STEM Ambassador online training on Delivering an Activity.

⚙️ Take the course here: https://t.co/PUZjX4qDB1

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