Sort of a continuation from yesterday's post, here's a sketch I did about a year ago and just added some colour to - Ruvyn and Naila, two characters from Ez's past. I love them a lot 💜

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A moment from our last game, when the party found Naila, a member of the Blue Morpho's missing crew. Ez has accepted he'll probably never lead this crew again, so this felt like a moment of bittersweet closure

13 85

New Days ☀️🌊

Meet Raine (they/them) - previous crew member of the Blue Morpho, Ez's partner, and the BS gang's resident gremlin with a sweet tooth 🍬

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just posted pages 9 and 10 to my patreon... hey. :] you can find it linked from my carrd if you're interesteddd

5 49

My disaster boy and his family - his mama Brex, his dad Jorik and his half-brother Rafe 💖 Ez is a weenie who can't look after himself but if you so much as look at him wrong, Brex will break you in half

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Maybe this is a slightly boring page but I love Tigerstar's face in the second panel.

Page 8.

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I've got a lot to do today but it's all boring and I want to yell about my monk gal, so indulge me with some questions about Id~

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I dragged my butt on this page, but it turned out pretty okay. I like drawing Tigerstar.

Page 7.

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No matter how hard she scrubs, her hands never feel clean.

3 49

Silence falls, and yet... there's something familiar here.

Page 5.

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Things got a bit weird in a recent session (tbf, when do they not)

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🗡️you can't run, run, run
from the smoking gun,
caught in the crosshairs
of the things we've done🗡️

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After last nights game it seems like a good moment to repost this silly doodle.

Id got immediately downed, got back up with a nat20 death save, got downed again, while Ego only avoided taking 💥295💥 points of damage in one round by grace of the lucky feat 😬

2 17

I've been cranky lately, so here's a thread of my D&D character's dice that no one asked for. (also, show me yours!)

Id - (real name, Tabitha) tiefling, shadow monk, newly crowned island champion of Zephirest, can and will absolutely destroy you 💪

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Ez and his mama, Brex 💖 I love them both so much

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A quick rundown of my characters and their campaign tags!

Vespertine (wizard) -
Ez (sorcerer) -
Reed (fighter) -
Kit (rogue) -
Serein (monk) -
Aedan (warrior) -
River (barbarian) -

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Still feeling rough so here's a long overdue level 10 design for my worst gal, Shiv!
(and her chonky baby phoenix familiar, Toby)

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