"Art is held to reflect the inner state of the artist."
I think that sums this drawing up...

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Phytographia Curiosa: Britannica Antiquorum Vera, Abraham Munting https://t.co/8uDcb3hUhG

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...”in Eastern thought, the two complementary forces that make up all aspects and phenomena of life.” (Britannica)

Animation by https://t.co/EGc0CXYtoT 👍🏻😉👏🏼

Amazing work!

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Powerhouse of the Roman Navy: The Classis Britannica https://t.co/MZEXMThWim

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Just finished recording another podcast. One for my fellow Pteridomaniacs - lots of lovely ferns! Illustration from Lindley Library - entitled Polypodium cristatum, , from James Bolton: Filices Britannicae. Leeds/Halifax: 1785-1790.

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16. Besides a fossa because I'm biased I really wanna express my love if rodents and marsupials! Art by Vin Ganapathy and Britannica encyclopedia respectfully

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16th Century map of the clans in Scotland, from a 1904 Encyclopedia Britannica.

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Art has always recorded nature`s many faces.A Dutch Marine painting depicting the ship called 'The Eendracht', captained by Dirck Hartog of the Dutch East India Company, oil on canvas by Ludolf Backhuysen,1670AD (Britannica)

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Did you know Britannica has books & games for PK-2nd grade? On LCPS Go->Library Resources->Britannica >Elementary and choose Fundamentals from the bottom menu! rary

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"Making fruit attractive in print is not easy."

John Lindley, English horticulturalist and author of Pomologia Britannica (1841), is 's Scientist of the Day!


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Botanical illustration and the park: Pomologia Britannica : or, Figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of fruit cultivated in Great Britain, by John Lindley....... 3 vols,
1841, from BHL/Uni California libraries......https://t.co/ZeKQbiXdrm

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Due bordi di bolina e a chi sapeva leggere apparve il nome del vascello nemico, Wirichester, della Marina britannica.
Un bottino per la Corona di Francia. Furono loro a sparare per primi, ma noi avevamo ben 24 bocche di fuoco.
La fiancata del legno avversario andò in pezzi.

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Al stasera e domani “The Garden” di .
e sono gli Adamo ed Eva del domani mentre affrontano le conseguenze del

Da vedere assolutamente. Non perdetelo! 👏👏👏

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In quella storia abbiamo accennato agli aerei Hawker Hunter di fabbricazione britannica che l’11 settembre 1973 sganciarono bombe incendiarie sul Palacio de la Moneda dove aveva sede il governo democratico di Salvador Allende.

18 149

Niente male considerando che Maud Watson aveva appena vinto il torneo di Wimbledon.
Con Annie vincemmo però il doppio.
"Little Wonder” mi definì la stampa britannica.
Fu a 15 anni che partecipai al mio primo torneo di Wimbledon. Per chi non mi conosce mi chiamo Charlotte Dod.

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. , considerato tra i principali esponenti della scuola britannica di fumettisti, sarà ospite a in collaborazione con

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Who knew there were so many different varieties of sea-weed in the UK alone? Something to look out for over the summer! 'British sea-weeds : drawn from Professor Harvey's "Phycologia Britannica" v.2' 1872. Via our favourite archive - https://t.co/Kpcj2yaOTL

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