Eryn, of takes her role very seriously and has volunteered to get everyone’s groceries. You can check more of her and her sisters in my

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Uriel used to be the wrath of god, but he’s working on his patience. Check him out at my and the full picture at my Links on profile.

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Uriel used to be the of the flaming sword. Now in my he’s the substitute teacher everyone loves!

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Eryn, the of is one of my favorites to draw and she’d like to remind everyone to fight for your dreams.

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Raphael, in her makeup. Doesn’t she look lovely? Thank her sibling, Gabriel, as they did the makeup!

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Uriel is an archangel who used to be the fury of heaven. Now he tried hard to keep his temper in check as he works as a substitute teacher in my

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Joshua is the superintendent of heaven in my even if he doesn’t know it yet. The reason why I gave him the letter P is because in order to deal with the cosmic tenants, he needs a lot of patience!

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Gabriel, archangel of communication and art lover. They are one of the many problem neighbors at Check the full image by becoming my at patreon .com/adalisa

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Michael is one pf the nicest neighbours you can have, as long as you don’t mind because he sure is one. You can see the full pic at my link on bio, abd read about him in at

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Male fashion in the kind of bold. And Joshua, from totally rocks it!

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Small sneak peek of a double image, with Joshua and his favorite drink ever: For now, the full image is only available to my patreons, starting from lowest tier!

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are my favorite! So here’s Joshua from rocking the look. I may make this a what do you think?

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Eryn from loved the Also hated them. She’s complicated that way.

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in was a bit depressing. Keeya, from cannot smile when she thinks of the dust bowl.

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Uriel lives in apt. 502. He’s a substitute teacher who adores when his students bring him apples.

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Minal, the most hardworking of the sisters in my She’ll make her debut pretty soon.

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