Doing the “ceratosaur” family for the carnivores remake, personally I am struggling with the ceratosaurus design as I’m personally split on how it should be portrayed personality wise, it’s rather a large generalist predator that eats everything or skittish lil doodad.

38 268

Peregrine Falcon

Distribution: Worldwide
Romanised Name: Hayabusa
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Falco peregrinus
Japanese Name: ハヤブサ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 13 years

8 29

It's strange, isn't it? Carnivores and herbivores should get along, yet their children are treated like freaks.

1 11

Sophont Giants, inspired by the T.rex paper. While I do have reservations about it, I absolutely LOVE the concept of a giant, intelligent terrestrial carnivore. It expands our concept of where sophont beings can come from.

69 370

[ oc ] Mary's a pretty messy carnivore. 🍖

5 28

Within this group there’s Aleseremanids. With two extant species: Tarrmork and Belbörns. They are both carnivorous known to prey on grazers, rhinos and smaller carnivores like the dune hogs. Belbörns tend to be more scavengers than hunters. They are found in the same region.

2 6

I forgot this yesterday!

Two of my mods and Carnivore Crow!

0 9

I asked Midjourney AI to imagine some Carnivorous Plants

Full collection here:

11 24

Mexican Wolf

Romanised Name: Mekishikoōkami
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Canis lupus baileyi
Japanese Name: メキシコオオカミ
Distribution: Unknown
Conservation Status: Endangered
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown

7 18


Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-10 Years
Scientific Name: Leopardus pardalis
Also known as: Dwarf Leopard
Japanese Name: オセロット
Distribution: South and Central America
Romanised Name: Oserotto
Conservation Status: Least Concern

8 30

🔥 X
- Original pixel ape god icon
- Medium AI
- Lower AI
- Max AI
👀 What an absolute unit!!!

The results of Carnivore diet?

🤷🏼‍♂️ What’s your fav?

9 20

Golden Tiger

Romanised Name: Gōrudentabītaigā
Also known as: Golden Tabby Tiger
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Panthera tigris
Conservation Status: Endangered
Japanese Name: ゴールデンタビータイガー
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown

8 40

And to finish it off, we have 's lovely little dino who can not only fit more than you may think, but also doesn't limit themselves with stuff like "herbivore" or "carnivore". You can be certain he will nom anything, as long as it looks tasty~

15 90

African Rock Python

Japanese Name: アフリカニシキヘビ
Distribution: Africa
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 27 years
Romanised Name: Afurikan ishikihebi
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Python sebae

6 14

Oriental Stork

Japanese Name: コウノトリ
Romanised Name: Kōnotori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 48 years
Scientific Name: Ciconia boyciana
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Endangered
Distribution: Asia

6 21

Just a cutscene for Survival of the Puddy, and it appears that the Ferris Wheel Gremlin is ambushing Joe Puddy for the Subway Pass. What a jerk, stealing a subway pass from a small carnivore man. 👹🚇

0 0

Barbary Lion

Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Extinct in the Wild
Romanised Name: Bābariraion
Scientific Name: Panthera leo leo
Distribution: North Africa
Japanese Name: バーバリライオン
Diet: Carnivore

6 14

Cape Lion

Romanised Name: Kēpuraion
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Panthera leo melanochaitus
Japanese Name: ケープライオン
Average Lifespan in the Wild: N/A
Conservation Status: Extinct
Distribution: South Africa

8 21