Coucou voilà ma participation au , c'était grave cool a faire 😊!!
Me voilà donc transformé en scarabée Dynaste Hercule 🪲 qui court avec un saucisson sec dans les pates (mon péché mignon..)#xppenfr

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Voici ma participation pour le concours 🤗 : j'espère respecter toutes les regles 🤔
" Je suis un renard et j'aime manger dema galette ♥️ qui a la référence ?

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Was there a goal in mind when I set out to draw this image of myself in the Hogarth pose?
If there was I cannot think of a single one.

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Ma participation pour le de !!
Je suis une hermine blanche qui aime mangee des gauffres !!
Références à la Bretagne maison et mes origines Belges ❤
dont j'aurai grave besoin pour travailler.

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Drew a cartoon version of my boyfriend/LDP who makes me fan myself because I find him an absolute adorable dork who lightens my life.

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Here’s one of my drawings from my cartoon me series! Hope you guys enjoy 🙂

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Here’s one of my drawings from my cartoon me series! Hope you guys enjoy 🙂

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Take time and enjoy the sweeter things life has to enjoy.

One of my latest . I used to be so afraid of drawing men but I'm really starting to love it.

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Here’s one of my drawings from my cartoon me series! Hope you guys enjoy 🙂

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Here’s one of my drawings from my cartoon me series! Hope you guys enjoy 🙂

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I am drawing myself in different cartoon styles! This is a whole lot fun and there will be more to come! 🐥 ---

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Brothers in Cursive producer piece I had done awhile back but just finished it. Part of the comedian series I was doing sometime way back. I added Brian with & without a hat.
Follow REDBAN on youtube

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Wanted to make a new user icon for myself but then forgot about it so here’s chibi cat me with my characters and and one of my creatures

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A little chibi valentines for all my followers I appreciate your support of my drawings and art and hope you have a lovely day today

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Happy Valentine’s Day to my valentines I’m very honoured to be asked to be your valentines this year 💕 🐾💕✨

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