2020.12.05 SAT 7PM (KST)


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Ayo! NamiLams Here! I have my Double Bachelors in Nursing (Biology) & Neuroscience & Behavior and a Master’s Tech Cert in Biomedical Informatics! When I’m not busy being a shark, I’m busy saving lives as a nurse 😷

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I should post more on twitter tbh 😣😣 absolute bby Cert belongs to

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Leaving Cert debacle

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📣We've created a resource for Leaving Cert. students comprised of forty biographies of major Irish figures from Daniel O'Connell to Seamus Heaney Find out more and download the PDF here: https://t.co/wxVlAZZxtL

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9th hung
burning cert permits
should sleep

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hey I'm Kay, I don't do as much drawing as I used to but I studied animation and am hoping to go into work as an art teacher if I can get my teaching cert! Commissions are technically open rn too! (still wanna improve my art too)

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This is more to do with me not having played many games that were released that year, largely down to the fact that I was sitting my Leaving Cert that summer (and having no money) https://t.co/WeiK8gM4pf

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És cert que és ambigu. A mi sempre m’ha agradat Ted Nasmith com il·lustrador del món Tolkien i ell també va fer servir el martell, suposo que per això sempre visualitzo el martell. A part, també pel dibuix anònim del meu avatar.

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兒童鴛鴦:好○克+阿華○ 混合嘅飲品
對唔識嘅嘢比起發問,第一反應係siri/ ggl.

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Per cert, si no esteu per la Seu d'Urgell i voleu comprar Hanami, podeu demanar a la vostra llibreria de confiança que us el demani o bé comprar-lo directament a la pàgina web de https://t.co/0YYthfxvhb

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Per cert que he conegut l'Esther arrel d'aquest retrat que vaig fer a en per al Magazine de La Vanguardia, i per arrodonir el cercle també us comparteixo aquest link de Harari extret del magnífic blog d'aquesta "profe" de "filo". https://t.co/nEBvIRoFdT

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มีประเทศนึงที่รู้จักเขาให้ citizen ไปหาใบ health cert. ก่อนถึงจะเข้าประเทศได้ 😌

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2015 - junior cert year, v V depressed, struggling, educating myself, first con + cosplay, ~edgy~, about to chop all my hair off

2020 - tired all the time but mostly happy (!), studying for dream job, best pets, great friends, growing my hair https://t.co/Ml4pGPVxkZ

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Preordering MGS3 a year and a half in advance (needed the paper receipt)

Using my birth cert for ID to purchase M rated games


The first time I played an Ace Combat 4

Being able to catch up on great PSX games

That system was my formative intro to gaming. It was glorious.

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Born in 1918 Sheila Tinney was a pioneering academic in mathematical physics
- 1 of 8 girls to complete honours maths in Leaving Cert
- 1st Irish women to receive a PhD in field of mathematics
- 1 of 1st female members of RIA

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