Vulcan's debut mission: Cert-1, sending the Peregrine Lunar Lander and the Celestis Memorial payload to the moon!

GO Vulcan! GO Centaur! GO Cert-1!

75 261

Nevermind, just took an extra 20 LOL
I spammed recruitment to get enough 4* to finish gold cert tickets '

0 45

🍾Per cert, no us he dit res perquè vaig de bòlit, però aquesta setmana els m'han comunicat que un dels meus dissenys formarà part de la placa de la varietat Pit-Roig Rosat, un dels excel·lents Caves de Col·lecció de
Brindo amb vosaltres!🥂

15 71

i got comission in celebration of me passing a Forklift Cert exam.
Now i can legally work in Penguin Logistics Warehouse

1 11

☆ Read before following! ☆

☆ My Links ☆
☆ ☆ ☆
Australian artist who draws OC's and fanart,
studying currently Cert III, dream: to be an animator...
☆ ☆ ☆
Thank you for being here !

0 7

went to uni to supposedly claim my TOEIC cert but no one was in the office 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️— why bother adding the dates this week if ilang days na kayong wala 😭

0 0

im DONE with this stupid girl's ref
pls dont mind the jpn (i cannot be assed to double check with a less sleepy version of myself) (my n2 cert is quaking)

3 15


Io non odio persona al mondo, ma vi sono cert'uomini ch'io ho bisogno di vedere soltanto da lontano.

UGO FOSCOLO, Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis (Da' colli Euganei, 1 Novembre 1797)

3 8

No se sap del cert si el general Baldomero Espartero digué allò de "hay que bombardear Barcelona cada 50 años" però sí se sap que, certament, en de 1842 Barcelona fou bombardejada, des de Montjuïc i durant 13 hores, per ordre d'aquesta desferra humana. Fil 👇

856 1520

Also Quercus my baby someday I will get you...prolly from the cert shop...

0 1

‘E N V Y‘

The next Artwork to the Seven Deadly Sins series…

💀 1of1 - Coming to NFT Auction House TONIGHT! (Sunday 7pm UTC)

All 1of1s come with Physical & Cert
+ Temple of Froyd Access


27 80

Necesitas un Cert. de Vigencia de Accionistas emitido por la administración de la AFP, el cual debe ser reducido a escritura pública o protocolizado ante notario. Es algo similar a este documento tipo.

¡A cobrar tus miles de millones!

Si necesitas ayuda para gastarlos, sólo...

3 12

It's been a LONG LONG RIDE since not getting Eyja since the START OF PLAYING ARKNIGHTS, but my cute sheepy wife is finally home (through super delayed cert shop...)


0 4

GM 💡 from 7672 and 6195

Did you know:
Asian students have the highest academic graduation rate worldwide with an estimated 79-92% of enrolled students graduating through high school & colleges. 😨

with a degree or cert comment down below emoji 🎓🤓🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓⬇️

5 26

My latest 1of1 to cap off the Homage series! No.3 in the colllection. Comes with physical & signed cert.

“Supervillains of Froyd” by

Bid on this piece via NFT Auction house (7pm UTC)

💀10 points if you can name all 8 Villains!


14 36

Per cert! Acabo d'anar a veure Detectiu Conan amb a !!! Per fi!! I m'ha sorprès trobar la sala plena!! no quedava cap forat, tot i ser petita èrem 40 persones a la sala petita!! M'ha sorprès i el final! xD cada vegada és més estrambòtic! XD

9 40

Celebrating our partnership with 🎉

Prizes 🎁
🥇1 x Gen Store
🥈1 x Gen2 Cert
🥉10 x WL spots

🪷 Follow &
🪷Join :
🪷RT + ♥️ + tag 3 buds
Reply with your discord name


134 142

Saiu um capítulo especial de Dragon Ball SD que faz referência a Dragon Ball Super Hero!

- Goku: "E Piccolo! Conto com você para cuidar do Gohan e dos outros! Se tiver um neto, por favor, pegue-o também no jardim de infância...!"
- Piccolo: "C... Cert... Eu, buscá-lo!?"

15 300

Wow! Maybe I can help use this to study for my 1001 cert! I'm trying to get A+ certified 😋 I have a compTia security+ exam on thurytoo, I'm excited 🥰❤️

0 2