Were throwing a Mixer and then starting the Speed Dating fun!!!!

Times: 8pm - 10pm MG / 6pm - 8pm WRA
Location: Portrait Room, Legion Dalaran
Server: Moonguard

Event Details: Social Mixer and Speed Dating

A: Ilanda-Moonguard / H: Chanikori-Moonguard

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Tonight is the Warcraft Pride Market! Loads of vendors, a rainbow tea party! The Darkmoon Siren is singing! A rave! Photobooth Fun!

Times: 7pm - 12am MG / 5pm - 10pm WRA // Northrend Dalaran

A: Missgrimsky-MG/ Chanikori-MG

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More Anchors Rest stuff with the early antagonist of the story, Cutter. This character is actually from a DnD campaign that I transferred over.

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this is CLARION! (she/her)
- a werewolf bounty hunter who hates when people are nice. she thinks people should go apeshit more often unless it inconveniences her
- petrichors mom, who is now being haunted by them and roped into helping them find their killer

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A little late but here is no more Anchors Rest. With the teifling bard, Tiz, looking at one of Meerahs, who is a sorcerer, spells.

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I have been working hard on the Anchors Rest story, here are two of the characters, Briar Rose, a half Orc Paladin and , as of now, an unnamed goblin Cleric. Both doing their best to keep the team alive. Remember to thank your healers and tanks.

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الخَيْلُ مَعْقُودٌ فِي نَوَاصِيهَا الخَيْرُ
الخيل العربي🐎
بقلم الحبر و القهوة☕

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Jotaro has more than 3 anchors on his hat!???!!???!??!!??!!???

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Join us Tonight for a Noblegarden Carnival! Enjoy 9 booths and see a show by the Star Story Teller herself!

WHERE: Northrend Dalaran at the Eventide
TIMES: 7:30pm - 10:00pm MG / 5:30pm - 8:00pm WRA

A: Kyrathinaa-MG
H: Ellonthal-MG

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My messed up Horseman
He is messed up.
he messed me up.
now I messed him up.
perfect circle.

Not fully healthy but getting there guys. thanks for well wishes and patience

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Today's MS of the Day is the AMX-101E Schuzrum Galluss from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn! This is a mobile suit used by the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves! It's specialized for close combat, it doesn't even have any thrusters! It uses magnetic anchors to latch onto ships.

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New Top post on r/gayfurryporn any volunteers? (artist: tokifuji) by hackel_schorsch
Link to post: https://t.co/vLspvuZxXB

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LOCATION: Legerdemain Lounge in Northrend Dalaran
8pm - 10pm MG / 6pm - 8pm WRA

Come wearing a hat or a flower crown!

A: Ilanda-Moonguard
H: Ellonthal-Moonguard

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I loved this story by ! It’s about a kid overcoming trauma by finding anchors in the world around him (photography helps, so do friends and new hobbies). So achingly tender!

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Join us April 6th for a Say Something Hat Day Tea Party! Wear a hat and enjoy some tea and company! Perfect Date Night!

Enjoy Tea, pastries, quiche and & pie & a selection of books to buy.

Legermain Lounge Northrend Dalran
A: Ilanda-Moonguard
H: Ellonthal-Moonguard

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Her name is Ichorsa Quinn The Reaper

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Jaw titan heads. Shameless OC? Perhaps. I imagine jaw titans to have extremely thick necks PACKED with muscle anchors

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Dutch Ships, 1647, 2 men standing seen from behind looking at title for series of Dutch ships inscribed on stern of warship in dock elderly man seated on barrels of canons smoking pipe & sailors, ships, crates, anchors, casks & wharves 88/365⚓️

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the way psyche anchors medea’s moral compass 👀

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