I am Vocitus Nox, and I came from a void deep in space in order to conquer planets and cement myself as Supreme Overlord. I'm definitely not cute and/or nice, don't let anyone tell you different!!👿
Art by @/GOMA_yammy and @/OrbitalMoonRat

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You, of course, know me as the most fearsome Vocitus Nox. Conqueror of planets. Ruler with an iron fist. Gender? Hah, who needs it. 😈

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I am Vocitus Nox, a powerful and terrifying conquer from a deep void. When I'm not Invading planets, I play a lot of horror, puzzle, and generally space themed games. Oh, and I'm not nice. Don't let anyone tell you I'm nice. I'm super mean! 😈 Art by @/GOMA_yammy

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Hello~ I am Vocitus Nox, but feel free to just call me Nox. I don't really talk about it much, but I identify somewhere between demi and grey! I'm too busy trying to take over the galaxies to care about things like attraction.😈

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I am Vocitus Nox, but most refer to me as just Nox or Vo (I guess). As for my home planet... Well, my species is the most fearsome and powerful in my solar system! That's why I'm so terrifying.😈

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next time i change my layout i'll probably do Atrocitus

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probably these?? Kyle is always and Atrocitus is always on there but😭😭 1. I'm a newbie to the Lantern stuff and 2. there are very few Lanterns I dislike at all

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i noticed that in injustice, alongside the green lantern, they add a lantern from a different corps in each game. sinestro was in the first game and atrocitus in the 2nd game. i hope this trend continues and one of these four get added to injustice 3, mainly nekron tbh

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Hello again Nanami~

I am Vocitus Nox, though my pawns often call me Vo or Nox. I am here to invade all worlds, but since no one is willing to fight me, I'm passing the time by playing video games (mostly horror). Looking for people to collab with soon! 😈

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I am Vocitus Nox, sent from the deepest void in space to conquer all realitiese. I go by they/them, and I suppose I could see myself with anyone powerful enough to give me a true challenge. Mostly, I identify as a threat.😈

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I am Vocitus Nox, sent from the deepest void in space to conquer all realities in the name of my people. No one has been foolish enough to accept my challenge... yet. But I will be the ruler of all realities, even if it means taking them by force!

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The Leader of the Red Lantern Corps is on a rampage and the last line of defense is 'The One Who Knows!'

Atrocitus vs. Starhawk!

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Hulk has the whole angry/strong thing (at least usually), but he's just as often sad. He wants people to stop hunting him.

Atrocitus is angry even when he's not. Planning. Mourning. Dreaming.

He never forgets what was done to his family. His world.

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sorry i haven't posted art in so long, but here's my npc baby tacitus and his incongruous facial features 💖

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