Okay, so this morning I had no idea how comicado worked. I....somewhat made it work, but I still have to iron out my lack of knowledge. So here is a test comic strip about my raven guard force. Enjoy!

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Upcoming in Tom N Artie! Tom starts putting that shotgun to work!

Start catching up here:


9 14

Why not start readin' while we're in a slowdown? TOM N ARTIE is completely free for anyone to read, hop in on the adventures of this merc duo with issue 1:


8 10

Want more Tom N Artie but with a new visual take? GIVE TOM N ARTIE TALES A TRY:


Shorter adventures, same best buddy mercs! New stories coming soon!

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Headshots of Tom's old squadmates! Get a good look cause they'll be popping up for a scene in next issue!

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Full color headshots of Tom and his old squad! Look forward to their appearance next issue! I'll have them more figured out by then!

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New post (Comicadia Update 8/29) has been published on The Comicadia Herald - https://t.co/MZQ4bk905v

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New post (Comicadia Updates 8/24) has been published on The Comicadia Herald - https://t.co/OPGf9kTyxN

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Drawn for me by Alistair Garth can hold his own, no matter how many trolls you have to hog-tie.

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Even a skilled cook can enjoy a touch of nostalgia now and then. Drawn by ShiBananas.

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Page 25 process done by , see it from sketch to the finished colors!

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Oof! Heavy dash attack right on the side. New Vulperra page!


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Tfw someone does not respect the social distancing.

New Vulperra page came out yesterday! https://t.co/y3Kq4MHJXX

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