Ministru kabinets 2dien lēma par jauniem ierobežojumiem, lai mazinātu izplatību. Valdība nolēma pagarināt 🇱🇻 izsludināto ārkārtējo situāciju līdz 11. janvārim. Daudzi jaunie drošības pasākumi jāievēro no vakardienas, 3. decembra.

4 32

"According to the current ..." 😱

New trial without line

0 5

Elsa Soslowska
Cuando te sientas triste por no poder salir piensa en su historia.
When you feel sad about not being able to go out, think about her story

0 2

no. this is not about

besides: strobe warning. don't put your cat in the microwave. 👍

Bonobo & Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - 'Heartbreak' [Strobe Warning]

26 36

Gratuitous yet appropriately fitting art I made last month is suddenly relevant again.

1 17

I received my medical analysis results and I am negative for yass

0 10

Thinking of all those who have lost someone this year ❤️🙏

10 46

Vivre avec un masque et... son haleine.
Living with a mask and... our bad breath

0 1

Toute ressemblance avec des intervenants récents de plateaux tv serait (évidemment) purement fortuite 😬

217 705

Finished that one WIP of mine and put it on some sweaters. Should be making more soon if anyone's interested, DMs are open. 😀

1 2