How has everyone mentality and anxiety been doing during this pandemic? If anyone ever needs someone to talk to hit my DMs up. I am down to talk about anything! I know I be going a little cray and I am still working!

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Today’s draw-along: Draw something you associate with Easter. These are my mum’s hens, drawn in fine-liner and watercolour pencils.

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to all my Christian friends celebrating today

Christ has risen-better days will come- amid universal lockdown of its believers due to

The cartoon at gives a smiling note IF it had happened today...

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Yo puse, como diseñadora, un cartel de libre uso, para añadir encima logos o reléfonos propios de administraciones e instituciones...el foco en los maltratadores!! Tenemos puestas las gafas violetas...que lo sepan!!!

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Für die ARTMUC München (Veranstalter)

Jeder Euro zählt,
damit es im Oktober ⓑⓤⓝⓣ🦜weitergeht! (Mai abgesagt😪)

Jean-Jacques PIEZANOWSKI ist dabei

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