Quando stai per entrare in zona rossa e invece di raccattare farina al super ti
Inventi una cosa così.

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Anche la mia regione è diventata arancione e gli spostamenti tornano a essere limitati. Ne approfitterò per ricominciare a fare l'orso.
Otto aspetti positivi del (continua)

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Stiamo navigando a vista. Chi deve guidare lo faccia. Chi non sa la strada o vuole prendersi meriti taccia.

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As I take the day off to rest mind and body, I wanted to let you guys know the first round of donations has gone through (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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A Ducati Panigale V4 sketch because i was bored during this quarantine.

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Some of the colors of my paintings to wish all the friends of Twitter the most beautiful rainbow of feelings that can paint all emotions of the most serene mood.

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How to celebrate my birthday in quarantine, from two different cities, with my person!

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The symbol of the capital of the tonight lights up with the colours of the flag as a sign of solidarity and closeness with
Thank you

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🇮🇹also tonight a thought and thanks to all health professionals who risked their health to save as many lives as possible.
Here a postcard of the Hospital which was equipped to receive the wounded from the italian front!

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