For this situation with Oscar and the Guards, Osamu Dezaki presents to us a nice range of dialogues and scenes that were absent in the original manga. Same thing with the wedding situation.

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In his storyboard, both for the finale and other scenes, Dezaki brought an excellent visual quality to the scenes. Making them cinematographically and narratively more dramatic than in the original manga.

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Versailles no Bara - épisode 19 "Adieu petite sœur!".

La 1ère réalisation d'Osamu Dezaki, pour la série Lady Oscar, me procure toujours autant de frissons. On retrouve ici toute la maestria du réalisateur, qui a un vrai sens de la dramaturgie. Sublime!

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10 ans déjà disparaissait l’un des grands réalisateurs d’animation japonaise, Un cinéaste qui a bercé toutes une génération de personnes au 🇯🇵 & en 🇪🇺, grâce aux adaptations d’œuvre en créant des chef d’œuvre avec son comparse Un grand monsieur.

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nel 1991 Osamu Dezaki avrebbe diretto un altro adattamento tratto da un manga di Ryoko Ikeda "Caro Fratello"

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Nel terzo Special Lupin e la sua banda devono vincere una corsa automobilistica per vincere nientemeno che il dizionario di Napoleone...

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Successo replicato anche nel 1990 con il secondo Special Alla ricerca delle carte di Hemingway che vede il nostro ladro da solo in un isola in guerra...

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A partire dal primo Special del 1989 Bye Bye Liberty che vede il nostro ladro rubare la statua della libertà! che fu un grande successo di audience e critica

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Un altra opera Cult diretta da Osamu Dezaki è senza dubbio Lady Oscar che grazie alla storia e alle sue tematiche (e repliche) è diventato un anime apprezzato da più generazioni :)

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Le avventure di Remì (1978) prima serie anime tratta dalle dal libro "Senza Famiglia”di Hector Malot con un Osamu Dezaki sempre più a suo agio in storie drammatica e ricche di emozioni e sentimento

Scheda sul sito

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I'm only 3 episodes into Osamu Dezaki's 1991 series Dear Brother and the psychological beatdowns are already at breaking point.

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Oscar looks masculine and cross-eyed? Shit, someone better go back and tell Dezaki

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Watching Dezaki again like

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En ce moment, je regarde l'excellente série d'OAV Black Jack par Osamu Dezaki dont la mise en scène me laisse souvent bouche bée. Dommage que le manga ne soit plus disponible en France, j'aurais foncé pour lire tous les tomes.

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Seeing these scenes redone with the Dezaki + Sugino 80s/90s visuals is a big treat.

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L'éditeur US prévoit de sortir en blu-ray durant l'été 2021, pour une période limitée, l'excellente série réalisée par Osamu Dezaki.

La perspective de pouvoir admirer le travail d'Akio Sugino en HD m'enchante totalement! 😍

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Sure you didn't mean Osamu Dezaki?

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I love both a lot but AnJ is my favorite anime of all time. I also think AnJ has better art but exclusively when AnJ2 happens and Osamu Dezaki gets his Postcard Memories style in full swing to make my favorite stills in all anime.

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Fukasawa was the director of this episode and I can't get over the Dezaki-like postcards that illustrated Kinemon's love story.

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渡部恭久 / senko no ronde (2005)

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