Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered International Carrot Day!

They are actually good for your eyes! Or your brain... don't really remember tbh, but they're good! 🥕

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Like Kyle, I bet you didn't know that today is considered World Party Day!

Who better to throw down a world party than Kyle with all his followers from all over the world?!?

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Ferret Day!

Cute lil animals aren't they! I want one!

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Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Walk To Work Day!

Raise your 🤚 if you walk to work! Seriously? You're raising your hand? Are people staring at you right now?

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Like James, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Mermaid Day!

James cried when he watched The Little Mermaid for the first time. To this day he still has a crush on Ariel!

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Like Peyton, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Something On a Stick Day!

A shish kebab was the first thing that popped in Peyton's head! What else can we put on a stick?!?

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Good Hair Day!

She's a classy lady and always makes sure her hair is good everyday! So this day doesn't really apply to her! 💇‍♀️

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered World Tuberculosis Day!

Let's be careful out there!

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Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Puppy Day!

Who is a cute little puppy?! Who is?!? Yes you are!!! Come over here!

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Saint Patrick’s Day!

She's feeling adventurous today and want's to see if Robert will take her to a bar to try one of those green drinks!!!

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Jewel Day!

Even though he's not a fan of wearing jewels, he does appreciate the beauty in them. Prefers mining for bitcoin though!

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Like Karen, I bet you didn't know that today is considered International Fanny Pack Day!

She never leaves home without it! Has a backup cellphone that when you flip it open, it automatically calls the cops!

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Like Cesar, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Meatball Day!

Perfect! This is the food cheat day and he loves meatballs! It's a sign! Hell yeah! 100 meatballs for this man right here!

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Peanut Cluster Day!

Oh my... she's going to surprise Robert by looking up a recipe from her cookbook! But only if he behaves today.

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Dentist’s Day!

He will make any excuse to not go to the dentist! Barbara lures him by promising to make him his favorite dessert for dinner!

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Grammar Day!

He didn't know this because he's never made a mistake before! So interesting how he and I have so much in common!

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Pokemon Day!

Pokemon? WTF is that? Maybe she'll ask one of the neighborhood kids...

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Like Kyle, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Carpe Diem Day

He's heard the phrase before but doesn't remember from where. Oh yeah! It's like a famous music band from some European country!

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Clam Chowder Day!

What can make a great day even better? According to Robert, a warm bowl of clam chowder with Barbara's secret ingredient.

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Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Toast Day!

That's funny! I actually had TOAST this morning! Isn't that a coincidence?!? 😀

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