Say hello to eejitus ponderingitus: a perfectly, patient and pondering plonker who will wait an age for anything.

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[from the Archive] seen the new trailer for IT 2 yet?!? 😱This wee critter was inspired by the first movie: meet eejitus floatsdownhereium - a friendly wee eejit that means absolutely no harm to anyone. Yup.

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Christmas is nearly here!!!! Can I take this moment to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for the continued support of me & my eejits. It means the world to me that you guys like, comment & follow me here.

I hope you have a wonderfully fantastic…

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He’s so grateful that summer is over, that the dark & dank days are here! Meet the BRAND NEW eejitus sphagnum whoosh

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From the archive: another creature from & also in the A smelly sod. A stinky creature who doesn’t realise what the problem is!

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So my comic for these two eejits is still being Inked- But LOOK at take on them; bad ass!!

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Wheeeeeeee! Watch yer eyes! Here comes eejitus hisdoodleishangingootium

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