Another photo study. An image of Mounts Monch, Jungfrau, and Eiger in Switzerland. Original photo by James Petts and distributed via a Creative Commons license. Now a digital painting. Original 12x16 @ 300dpi.

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Nascar Aloe: Shouts "HEY HEY HEY" repeatedly over a Geiger counter

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If you want to. I'll leave Kreiger, Dr.Misa, and Ahmad here.

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to sell you more on Dragonfall, and because i know what my audience likes, here's one of the main characters, Eiger. she is an enormous troll sniper. she takes no shit, but ESPECIALLY takes no shit from you, the player. she's the best.

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Here is a few:
My Main OC Mike Murdock (Robian bat)
my Egg Boss Olaf 'Kreiger' Steiner( Tiger Shark)
My GUN Major, Bruno Carville (Brown Bear)
and servant of the Empire, Chromejaw (Piranha)

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Forgot to post this thing, but I made a special Egg Pawn of Kreiger and his force. The Marine Type is an Eggpawn made for underwater and marine-based operations

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Others include the HORRENDOUSLY named "Jailbait" who can create psionic force fields, the CRIMINALLY underused Geiger who is basically Rogue but can only copy Gamma powers, Halflife who absorbs energy, and the cornball Hotshot who has finger guns. Not all just become "Hulk's".

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Ludwig Brit and Stan Meiger.A supporter of order and an inveterate romantic. It was these bright minds of Redsky who combined their equally dissimilar developments into one unique creation.

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It's mainly some of my villain OCs like my Egg Boss, Kreiger. Along with his right hand, Chromejaw

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Janice Kreiger refined

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Douglas Schweiger

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A half-hour late for Shark Week but at least I finished this. I haven't did art of my Egg Boss OC Olaf 'Kreiger' Steiner in a while. so I decided in dedication to shark week to do some art (He is a Tiger Shark)

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SInce this flick involves a Nazi Albino as the bad guy at the top & is in I made sure to include a couple The EIger was also used in another one of the movies on this list.

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Some shark adoptables! It's been a while since I've done some adopts, and I was inspired by shark week....

🐯🦈 ($150) Tiger Shark
☢️🦈 ($100) Geiger Shark
Adoptable form:

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Just like the copied the Gokaiger plot, copied the Goseiger plot, about they reveal their identities, but they have to erase the memory of the people to avoid problems, but a little better than the movie.

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Have a few
Kurosawa the Japanese Honey Bee
Odhran the Octopus
Nang the Jeju Dog
and Kreiger the Tiger shark
Nang art by UltimateWino, Kreiger by Silverxuno

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Geiger for ! (I really liked this one)

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I have..... a few
Chromejaw the piharana
Kreiger the Tigershark
Inya the spider
and Senkina the King Cobra

I have even more than these 4 as well
art credits
, SIlverxuno, and

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