El genocidi amerindi, el tràfic d'esclaus, l'expropiació de metalls preciosos, les violacions... una etapa de les més ignominioses de la història de la humanitat.
Avui 12 d'octubre la Revista de Catalunya proclama la seva plena adhesió a la diada de la resistència indígena!

448 673

I have a personal project wherein I try to draw an artist traiding card for every Pokémon. It's going on for years, i'm extremly slow and Im probably never going to finish it. Nevertheless it dosn't hurt to show the finished cards.

1 5

Death to Hexproof.
Sorry Nissa, I like you, but you also needed a bit of a nerf ;)
Thanks for the free preview !

31 580

04/08. Zimbabue indemniza a los granjeros blancos por la expropiación de tierras y el yihadismo se descontrola en el norte de Mozambique. Reportajes de y en , entrevista , curso y foto de la semana de

16 27

"I want your pudding~" 🥰😌💖💘💞💕🍮

18 62

Lurrus Jund 2-1
Jegantha Tron 0-2
Hexproof 2-0
Lurrus Prowess 1-2
Storm 0-2


0 1

THE ALFEEの機材スタッフさんより、特注ケーブルのご依頼を頂きました。弊社ブログでもご紹介させて頂いてます。 https://t.co/MjucqMmCYZ

112 334

1/2 d14 —— 09.02.2020
Dairy of Wuhan under quarantine.
Honored to illustrate it.

“Recently, several schools have been expropriated as temporary quarantine locations. How to handle and store the students' property is a huge problem. ”

34 33


2 100

Commander Tips:
Exile permanents instead of destroy.
It gets around indestructible.
(reducing toughness is a excellent option for Indestructible creatures)
Removing access to cards is better long term in this format.
*Also spells that don't target avoids Shroud and Hexproof.

1 1



来年も鬼絡みしましょ!(๑ ́ᄇ`๑)

6 21

"On the night before Christmas, we’ll all be about. While the people are sleeping, we’ll realise our clout. We’ll expropriate goods from the stores, ‘cos that’s fair. And distribute them widely, to those who need care."

9 16

初めてグヤトーンのアナログディレイをメンテに出したのですがディレイの効きがめっちゃ良くなった!!Σ( ˙꒳​˙ )!?



5 85

プロジェクトメンバー、キーボーディストの さんです!


3 20