Four fabulous selections from ' “Nivalis” group show inspired by icy winter reveries.

⛄"Winters Wood” by Craww

⛄"Winter Feast" by Alex Sugar

⛄IMAGE 3: "Fabelle" by Nom Kinnear King

⛄"Hibernation" by Annie Heisey


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Nggak semua hal bisa dipaksakan, semua yang kita miliki adalah keajaiban.

Selamat hari difabel sedunia, semuanya 🥳🥰

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Dieses kleine Fabelwesen ist aus meinem "How to Draw" Buch "Magic Manga - Zeichnen lernen mit Jenny Liz". Darin erkläre ich euch, wie ihr ein solches entwerfen könnt *o*

Habt ihr denn schon Fabelwesen gezeichnet? Verlinkt sie mir gerne, ich bin neugierig! ♥

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...aku belum terlalu ngerti perbedaan difabel sama disabilitas.. dia bisu dan punya keterbatasan fisik yang ga memungkinkan buat jalan, tapi suka bantuin pekerjaan rumah, umurnya 13 tahun(?)

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Fabel is Chrysa's mate! he's a valician kirin, one of the rarest species in this planet. they were both born next to eachother at the same time, and they've formed a deep bond since then. he loves beauty and looking good. his main goal however is doing anything to please Chrysa.

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Sang Kancil & Buaya -【 カンチルとワニを歌った 】

Cerita fabel klasik dari masa kecil yang kalau dipikir-pikir mengajarkan kita untuk manipulatif sejak dini 😂

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Here's a sneak peek of @/softgf 's eyes! 👁️Please go support her, as she is nearing completion very soon!

Background: @/Lucylooses
Border: @/ineffabella

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A little art gift for
because i like Feeble Fabel and I think they’re really cute 👉👈 💜🖤🤍
Yes I’m simping
But also I love her art and her characters! Super funky and cool!

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some genderbend Fabel sketch ❤️

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A bare demon's neck (after 4000 years of hiding it behind long hair) must be very appealing to a certain angel. Right?

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my “Pagan Poetry” beaded pearl corset i made worn by Fabel for “The Freedom of Contemporary Potraiture” exhibition. photographed by Nicky Gunawan and styled by Ajeng Svastiari. 🖤🔮

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Captain Marvel (2019)
It’s up to Carol’s friends to stop Ove’s plan to use Captain Marvel’s life force to travel back in time. Writer Kelly Thompson, Artist Lee Garbett, Flashback Artist Belén Ortega, Colorist Antonio Fabela: A good mixture of plot, action and fine art. 3.5/5

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I missed my camelot au series a lot and i decided to combine pleasure with pleasure and draw them for the dtiys😌

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