Power couple💪

I thought it'd be a waste not to so I put in both clothed and sexy version🙈

248 608

I did ... something.
Shiro just scared him a little.
(I`ll correct the perspective of the legs and other later😅)

0 0

Will I ever stop drawing Galra!Keith?
You bet I can draw mo r

284 737

Shiro likes to play around
((with Keef's hair))

348 913

Some self-indulgent Galra!Keith because

1128 2099

2 days ago at FirenzeComics I was a casual galra!Keith with , aka my beautiful altean!Lance ❤️✨ I can’t wait to wear our proper outfits 👀
(Also I lost my ears at some point rip)
Will upload more in the next days!

0 6

Klance? Maybe fem! klance?? And maybe galra!klance??? OR BETTER GALRA! FEM!KLANCE???
Yeah, galra Kate should be taller, but :/// im dump and i think Kate look like mother

2 31

I think this is my softest Keith ever

0 1

I need someone to hit me in the face cuz,
And also I have no excuse for wanting to draw Keith really pretty🙈💕

201 496

Time to update Twitter ngrehg

Today, I share here my Galra Keith 8)

•Don’t repost whitout my permission•

1 4

concept: keith don't blush, he turns galra

2 32

Day 29 Blade


maybe my last entry to keithtober . Thanks host, really have lots of fun and drawing practice

10 25

Let's say Shiro's world lit up the moment he laid his eyes on Keef :3

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