Oh damn it's again and I've got nothing planned😱

My name's Thomas and I'm a French gamedev/3D generalist

I've been working on a FPS I'll be posting soon so stay tuned if you're into gamedev.

0 4

Hey I'm Nicola, computer science student and aspiring I also make pieces when I have time! RTs are really appreciated :3

44 160

Hi! I'm Amy and I'm an artist + amateur Vocaloid-P with a background in gamedev. Looking for illustration or visdev/design work!

🎨 https://t.co/BycIBJ8gU7
🎵 https://t.co/RjkZmBoM5I
🛒 https://t.co/IfCh3L1Oib
💖 https://t.co/oG2DUDDL6H
☕️ https://t.co/u4wjsutznJ

44 179

Hello, I am also trying to get into gamedev. Made a Shonen webcomic a while ago but never finished it but hey.

0 0

Hi! It's been a VERY rough past 24 hours, but a way for me to stay in a good state of mind is doing and talking about gamedev. I'll be on the podcast today, along with and of Almari! Send questions if you have any; I'm excited to answer. :D

5 21

Hi! It's been a VERY rough past 24 hours, but a way for me to stay in a good state of mind is doing and talking about gamedev. I'll be on the podcast today, along with and of Almari! Send questions if you have any; I'm excited to answer. :D

9 20

Great to see so many newcomers to the channel, welcome! We're happy to have you with us and make a start learning 😄🤝


7 6

My name is Christian Simmers, and I am an & festival featured I am currently looking for employment.
You can find my work on:

Itch: https://t.co/GpIJ4dt3Eb
Art Station: https://t.co/I3AzidaV1y
Instagram: https://t.co/VBCakUMJvF

4 7

For me, the end of this year marks a decade of To celebrate and look back, each day in 2021 I'll post a screenshot, drawing, or video from the journey, along with some thoughts about the process behind it.

Read more -- https://t.co/XaC6Gl2s8F

1 17

Thought I was burnt out on but it turns out, very simple things revitalize my love <3

Look at heerrrrr! ❤ She throws ❤❤❤❤ https://t.co/oTdqdsrlnD

0 9

Another one retrospective day And another one piece of I found on my HDD. I even forget that I deed something like this. And... by the way, this is again.

9 131

hi I'm evrae. my disabilities keeps me from being able to post art often but I'm always trying, and I want to get into 3d modelling and gamedev. I have a clear special interest as you can see

(posting late bc my sense of time is flawed)

54 157

>> ATTEMPTING L̵̈́͜I̴͂ͅN̵̼̋K̶̹͗ ̵̛̪R̸̨̅E̴̖̒C̶̺͝Ò̷̜V̴͐ͅE̸̅͜R̸͎͠Ÿ̵͎́
>> denari.gamedev.takeover init
>> https://t.co/kX7WZpLNJG

1 1

Huh, I play for only 40 hours, but I'm shocked, impressed, breathtaking & in-love. Amazing game. I'm not feeling emotions like this long-long years. Here... I'm completely drowning in the game. Incredible work Incredible. Thank you!

5 26

Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy Tactics/XII, Valkyria Chronicles, Gradius V) and his Basiscape team are available for your New bio and credits list at https://t.co/rRsR1jYGtT

3 10

I encountered a weird object on my tiles and was looking for its origin. It looked a bit like hitbox, yet debugger did not show extra one so I changed its color and after a while I discovered I accidentaly moved tile and it's actually a background! x) Yay, gamedev.

0 7

Don't get stuck when it comes to learning Take things one step at a time with our beginners tutorial series and getting making your first game today! 🙌


4 17

Just realized I never posted my final sculpt from 's course on GameDev. Worth every single cent go take the class now!!!

2 23

Hi! I'm Jo, a producer at ! Before that, I was at Bungie and Xbox; I also often speak/mentor on diversity/inclusion in Here are some games I've worked on, plus my fave video game cosplay at . Representation matters 💜

27 152

Hello I'm Luke, Will-O-Wisp, a UK artist and indiegamedev.
I work on digital art, and more specifically pixel art for my game The Rat Pack.
Thank you for the thread~

3 8