Day 17 of
'Gates of Hell'

I made those pieces a little before I got the fever. I'm now working on a bunch of work that has piled up while I've been in bed, but I don’t think I can finish them😭

1 7

💀 Famine Day 19, "Nothing to eat but death"

they suffered to find anything
to fill their small bellies up
to live or die was their care no more
for there was nothing else to eat
but death

member of

0 10

💀 Famine -> Day 19 of

throngs of destitute writhing
amongst the bones and putrifaction
famine consuming the body
and the soul

Member of

2 21

'Gates of Hell' - The gates of Hell are terrible to behold, are they not? - E. A. Bucchianeri

Challenge 🔪🎃

4 29

You shall enter through the burning city…

by and
Day 17: Gates of Hell

1 8

🔥 Gates of Hell -> Day 17 of "Guardians of Enlightenment"

to master one's self
is a journey through Hell's gate
red leaves welcome Fall

2 12

'Agony' - There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. - Maya Angelou

The first submission for 's challenge!

Challenge 🔪🎃

5 24

👻 Agony -> Day 16 of "Punishment is best served cold"

eternal winter
for our world is naught but pain
in darkness we scream

2 13

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

by and
Day 15: Bloodlust

1 8

'Bloodlust' - The Nationstates quickly realized that they had to address the cyborgs that made their way into the DMZs.

The fact that remote shutdown commands no longer worked was startling...

Last Challenge for

3 28

🩸 Bloodlust -> Day 15 of 🧵 If you wanted more gore with your bloodlust, here are the four promised.

4 20

At night, people passing by the cemetery claim to see a eating the freshly buried dead to satisfy its

4 24