Doesn't Jack-O-Chica have the best pumpkin carving skills?🎃
You should probably get a closer look--
Just don't get squashed--this is only the start of FNAF AR's Halloween event festivities!

283 2226

You think you can beat me by transforming into a monster?
Our speedy hedgehog Sonic has arrived 😱

82 490

You ready for a Blast from the Past? 💥
This week, Flaming Springtrap, Freddy Frostbear, Chocolate Bonnie, Mangle & Toy Freddy are here!
Give your favorites a warm welcome...maybe except for Freddy Frostbear...

139 1523

You ready for a Blast from the Past? 💥
This week, Flaming Springtrap, Freddy Frostbear, Chocolate Bonnie, Mangle & Toy Freddy are here!
Give your favorites a warm welcome...maybe except for Freddy Frostbear...

36 525

Alr, so, decided to do another mobile edit, this time, this.....thing? I don't know what it was supposed to be lol. Closest thing i can think of is a VR W. Golden Freddy.
Pretty happy with this one.
(everything used is from scott and illumix)

4 10

Next up, the Dark Circus is pleased to present Clown Springtrap 🤡
You're guaranteed laughs, and all around fun which will leave you in tears!
He's waiting for his captive audience...

67 760

Next up, the Dark Circus is pleased to present Clown Springtrap 🤡
You're guaranteed laughs, and all around fun which will leave you in tears!
He's waiting for his captive audience...

330 2604

Ringmaster Foxy welcomes all to the Dark Circus 🎟🎪
Enjoy your time here, but watch your step--who knows what might find you...

340 2510

Ringmaster Foxy welcomes all to the Dark Circus 🎟🎪
Enjoy your time here, but watch your step--who knows what might find you...

87 763

Without further ado--
Our featured performer Ballora is here 🩰!
Her performance is one to fear 😱
Step right up to see her...if you dare...

342 2405

Without further ado--
Our featured performer Ballora is here 🩰!
Her performance is one to fear 😱
Step right up to see her...if you dare...

68 709

📣 And the final Sizzling Summer animatronic is...*drumroll please*...Flaming Springtrap!

😱🔥As promised, he is most definitely on you dare brave the flames?

58 542

📣 And the final Sizzling Summer animatronic is...*drumroll please*...Flaming Springtrap!

😱🔥As promised, he is most definitely on you dare brave the flames?

207 1655

Can someone PLEASE open a window?! 🌡🥵
This Sizzling Summer is getting way too hot--and Scorching Chica definitely isn't helping 🔥🐤

52 548

Can someone PLEASE open a window?! 🌡🥵
This Sizzling Summer is getting way too hot--and Scorching Chica definitely isn't helping 🔥🐤

181 1580

Awww...doesn't Broiler Baby just ~warm~ your heart...literally? 🤗😱

👇Careful about getting too close--you've got to be prepared for the extreme heat of the Sizzling Summer event!

71 677

Awww...doesn't Broiler Baby just ~warm~ your heart...literally? 🤗😱

👇Careful about getting too close--you've got to be prepared for the extreme heat of the Sizzling Summer event!

233 2104

He's been waiting so long for this chance...and now it's finally here.

😱Look out -- Toy Bonnie is back and he's ready to play 🐰🤩

182 2012

He's been waiting so long for this chance...and now it's finally here.

😱Look out -- Toy Bonnie is back and he's ready to play 🐰🤩

70 813

Enter the Wasteland Event at your own risk.
Recent communication has incoming reports of...Toxic Springtrap!

80 824