Jan Jaka Jan // Elf // PC-98 //

40 184

prawda jest jaka ze w liceum na starcie wita cie ta trójca

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oh😳😳 jaka śliczna kreska

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Apologies to the people of Hingashi for using their land mass as a place to rest, but I assure that the Ruby Tide will look much better after it's changed to the Pearlescent Tide.

Thank you again for making my Jaka the biggest guy around. Happy Macro March!

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To top off 's work, sneaked in some wonderful coloring of his own.

Thank ya, bud! 💖

Another fun fact that's less of a fact about Jaka and probably more about me playing him, over half his wardrobe is the same color. Rolanberry dye's my rolanberry jam!

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Jan Jaka Jan // Elf // PC-98 //

24 49

Hi'kani (Sacerdotisa de Hir'eek) / Meg'nara (Lun'alai) / Mam'be (Cazador de Sombras) Y Tza'rutam (Prelado de Rezan) (Dibujito hecho por Zen'jaka)

Son algunos de mis trollsitos feos ♥

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グレースカートの人の足(ステップ)刻む時に首も振るのがキレを作って素敵!ディアンヌまどか響碧ちゃん、旺文社中1時代?付録カセットレーベル秀樹さん(裏は「眠れぬ夜」の歌詞だから中1のはず・・TDK ADに秘密の刑事ちゃんの主題歌松崎しげるさん「JAKA JAKA」と一緒に録音されてるから80年か

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Jan Jaka Jan // Elf // PC-98 //

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Frantziako Jaka Horiak hor dira oraindik. Zer diren hobeto ulertu nahi baduzu hemen Simon Fairlei kazetari ingelesak egindako lan hau -ra ekarria, -ren itzulpena medio. -k egindako azala ere godina bezain bikaina da


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Frantziako Jaka Horiak hor dira oraindik. Zer diren hobeto ulertu nahi baduzu hemen Simon Fairlei kazetari ingelesak egindako lan hau -ra ekarria, -ren itzulpena medio. -k egindako azala ere godina bezain bikaina da

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LARRUN | Jaka Horiak eta krisi ekologikoa.

Pello Zubiriak kudeatu hilabete honetan Larrun-a, -ren azalarekin.

Aldizkaria jaso eta kazetaritza independentea bultza nahi baduzu, egin zaitez ARGIAkoa!


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Jan Jaka Jan // PC-98 //

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Here's one of my Roegadyn characters, Bak'tor (left), having some good old snuggle time with Jaka ( ) drawn by ~

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Jan Jaka Jan // PC-98 //

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Jaka a feminine moubit is is pretty filled with energy and dreams of opening up a tea shop in sunken haven.

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Another commission done for Jaka Ramadhan on FB. I already finished this one quite a while ago, just got the time to publish it right now :'D
pixiv: https://t.co/fkkrWWuumJ
ArtStation: https://t.co/xb2gwa7hhs

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My latest commission for Jaka Ramadhan on facebook. It was challenging to draw her, especially her dress. I hope it turns out to be looking good on her.


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