⠀⠀⍣ Athena Asamiya (tengah)
⠀⠀⍣ Sie kensou (kiri)
⠀⠀⍣ Chin Gentsai (kanan)

0 0

Are irkensonas cringe

0 6

He is complete! Ky my little Frankensona, a lad, a villain, a bottom ♥

5 19

My team in is incomplete without him 😭😭

28 176

Ya tenía mucho sin dibujar estos mensos hehehehej

0 10

The art of dialogues was so cute! So expressive and charming.
I really dig this anime style~

57 390

I miss my boi 🥹

Can I have Kensou in the next KOF and be besties with Shunei ? 🥲

4 47

New meme 3

Give the label whatever you want G. I was gonna write cum.

4 13

Team Phoenix:Benjamin Rickenson (Tortoise Ocean) and His Turtle Seymour Green ll

0 0

Team Phoenix:Abby Rickenson (Velocirizer)

0 0

full colour full body commission for thekrakensovereign on deviantart

18 56

I felt a funeral in my brain
and mourners to and fro
kept treading, treading till I felt that
the sense was breaking through
──Emily Dickenson,〈I felt a funeral in my brain 〉
Emily Dickinson, one of my favorite poets.

0 11