Here’s part 4 of Spooky Scary Crumbles!

Joe scolding Pinstripe for his quirky move, but the Potoroo barely care.

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First part of Spooky Scary Crumbles is up!
Pinstripe and Joe are nostalgic of Summer days, but still enjoy Fall, ngl.

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1st winner🎉

Here you have to Komodo Joe, enjoy it.

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Part 17 of Dough it and Succeed!

Pinstripe and Joe are fighting against the cookie creatures, when suddenly, the unthinkable happened for Pinstripe.

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Part 15 of Dough it and Succeed!

Pinstripe and Joe found Penelope but not Ellie. Explanations are made, and things get slightly eased up between Pinny and Penny.

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Part 11 of Dough it and Succeed!

Joe starts to have a bad feeling when he noticed he got a missing call from Penelope…

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Here’s Part 10 of Dough it and Succeed!
Our boys are enjoying the Spa , and forget the hassles they had during the week.

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I was convinced I uploaded that earlier.
Anyway, here’s part 9 of Dough it and Succeed!

Pinstripe and Joe are leaving for the Spa, letting Penelope with Ellie.
But something goes wrong.

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Part 3 of Dough it and Succeed!

Pinstripe and Joe are searching for a baby sitter again, until Penelope come to visit them. Is she really honest?

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And the new story begins!

After a small incident, Pinstripe and Joe are thinking about finding an alternate baby-sitter for Ellie.

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