A year ago, Crash 4 came out, I couldn't play it but instead I watched gameplays. This moment caught my whole heart and I started to cry. IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CINEMATIC EVER

Cortex and Cras being father and Son for the best

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And just in time to post this pic I finished for his anniversary of my favorite orange marsupial!
(This WAS suppose to be done ahead of time, but god dang that plant vs zombie 2 is soooo addictive lol)

But any who, happy 25th anniversary, Crash Bandicoot!👍

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Happy Anniversary Bandicoot!!! 🥭
Thanks very for much

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Repost since I didn't have time for the anniversary! Keep being awesome Crash! Love this series so much 💖💖

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Happy 25th Anniversary Crash Bandicoot!!! ❤️🍊💙

Un dibujo simple y humilde de mi parte xD

Eres el mejor Crash, De verás UwU👌

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Happy 25 years furry friend 🥭!
Thank you for giving me great moments from childhood to the present 🧡

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Tiene ya un tiempo que intente hacer a crash así que como aniversario de crash pensé que por qué no terminarlo y publicarlo de una vez, le puse un filtro y así quedó 😱😱😱😱 me encantó

¿Que opinan? 😁😁😁

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25 años han pasado y 140 caracteres no alcanzan para agradecerte por todo
Hice este pequeño dibujo "remake" de un render del primer Crash de PS1 al mas actual, espero les guste!

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Happy 25th Anniversary to Crash Bandicoot!!

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Hace unas semanas, se hizo popular una dinámica de dibujo, y como siempre llegando tarde xd, y aunque lo hice en su momento, jamás lo publique, intente hacer una mezcla rara de todos los diseños de Crash en uno, al menos a mi me gusto

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I'm so glad to have met Crash, 'cause now I have meet tons of amazing people here, thanks for sharing this love for our marsupial!

I did this special version with FemCrash because yes XD. Enjoy!!

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Happy 25th
He's a really big inspiration and one of the reasons I draw today :'3

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Here's some Crash artworks I've made! I'll be making a new piece to celebrate this incredible milestone soon. Thank you for being a major part of my childhood and life, Crash ❤🥭

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