I won't have a Peculiara comic on Halloween but I focused on the spookies and scaries all month anyway so there you go. 🎃

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a little liara gift for (and for anyone else who wants, I suppose)

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Bas j'ai ma ptite Ameliara si tu veux..mais vu son etat ça va être dur de la massacrer 😹 je te laisse t'amuser haha

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Cuidado com o vortex, Millia Rage chegou no parquinho! Não podia faltar logo a Millia né? 👀Adesivos já estão em produção, vai ficar de fora e não vai garantir o seu? Confira aqui como me apoiar e já reservar seu adesivo: https://t.co/s2LFmqUbBo

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I've not been shy about flat out remaking strips from the previous Peculiara drafts. 😂

I think my audience is small enough that I can get away with it anyway.

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I need to remember to dabble in different art styles for Peculiara. I love how the Ghibli one and the Snowman one turned out. I'd also love to try a more Marvel comics style and maybe even a South Park one at some point.

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her jokes are super lame btw. only liara would find them funny

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Day 22 - Millia Rage

It looks so bright in my phone QAQ

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(Rhodes Nightmare)
Alenko: Rhodes! Shepard didn't make it.
Rhodes: Cerberus Liara?
Liara: Better than the Collectors!
Shepard: RHODES! What. Did. You No. NooOo! No. Bad, Keeping secrets again! No. Bad, Rhodes.
Rhodes: "Yells" NOOOO!

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I need more funny one liners in Peculiara. The more the better.

What one's your favourite so far?

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